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About fair trade (2010): "I first started learning about Fair Trade fashion simply because I did a piece of geography course work on it. I thought why isn't everything Fair Trade? From that point I started to look for labels that were Fair Trade and started researching it. When I thought of Fair Trade I thought of bananas and coffee and I thought this was as far as it went. But, of course pretty much anything can be Fair Trade. My collection is very much based on cotton and jersey which all can be made Fair Trade and organic. It's so great to work with something that hasn't been made with chemicals and is helping someone abroad who isn't earning a lot of money. The great thing about these clothes is that they are comparable to high street prices so affordable but go towards a really good cause. You win all around."

Huge Scan Update

We have a bunch of scans about Emma Watson and Harry Potter sent in by our visitors. There are too many for one update, so here’s the first batch and I’ll have the rest in later updates.


TV Digital from Germany, thanks to Thomas


Cinema and D You from Czech Republic, thanks to Claire and Sara.


Hello thanks to Elmira


Also from Elmira, scans from Hollywood Reporter and US Weekly


and from South Africa, You and two issues of Heat


and Glam from Qatar.

Comments closed for this item.

22 Responses to “Huge Scan Update”

  1. Nicole says:

    Wow,i wasn’t expecting that many scans! There’s loads,thanks for sending them in 🙂

  2. emlover says:

    amazing scans,great work thanks waiting the others

  3. Anonymous says:

    last 2 scans of heat don’t really work. especially the one in the middle of the three.

  4. susang bhatt says:

    amazing scans,nice waiting the few more.
    really its out standing.

  5. Kitty says:

    nice scans! waiting others 🙂

  6. Kitty says:

    is there any from entertainment weekly?

  7. Lena says:

    I read in a tabloid that Emma is dating with a colleague from the film Perks.

  8. Valentina says:

    oh my! thx to everybody!!

  9. Claire says:

    perfect 🙂

  10. berlin says:

    Cool, so much scans at once 🙂

  11. Window says:

    Where is she now? Is she safe from England riots?

  12. Nicole says:

    I’m looking forward to reading the other scans 😀

  13. Window says:

    SOME BODY ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ********Where is she now? ***** Is she safe from England riots? ******

  14. KS987 says:

    Thanks for posting the scans as always. Most of it is old information, but they are still good reads. Can’t wait to see the rest of them. 🙂

  15. jacob says:

    i love you Emma and I catch You With Real MAgic