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About what she'd like to do (2005): " I'd probably like to travel more, probably like to spend more time with my family and friends, probably like to be at school 'cause I love school and I miss it. Yes, unusual but I've always loved it. "

Emma Perfect for “Beauty” says del Toro

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In an interview for MTV’s Rough Cut, Guillermo del Toro has confirmed that he would love to direct Emma in a remake of Beauty and the Beast, saying “It’s a movie that you have to make in the next few years for Emma to be perfect for the part. I think she is the perfect character to do that movie.” So, Emma is being considered for the role, but this may be another project that goes nowhere. del Toro says he has started writing the storyline, but he also says “I really hope to do (the movie)”, not that he will.

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41 Responses to “Emma Perfect for “Beauty” says del Toro”

  1. Lita says:

    Yeah just a rumor.

  2. susang bhatt says:


    nice to know Ur selected .

    i hope see u in this movie in future.

    my good wishes with u.

  3. Quinn says:

    I’d love to see Emma as Bella!
    as My favourite disney character is Bella.

  4. Nicole says:

    Hopefully it will happen 🙂 but it is just a rumour so it might not go any where :/

  5. berlin says:

    I´m waiting for Emmas reply 🙂

  6. emlover says:

    Emma is the perfect Belle
    i really wanna see her do that movie i really hope

  7. tatiana says:

    she doesnt even have to audition? lol this chick can and will get anything.

    • Em says:

      Emma and an audition?? Are you kidding me, she’s one of the most promising, most famous girls from the UK, she’s a Hollywood promise, Hollywood loves. We all know she isn’t the best actrice in the world but sometimes a pretty perfect face and charmes can do it all. I don’t mean she doesn’t deserve it of course, she really does. The fact that she’s so special and not as everyone else in the fake little world doe it all for me.
      Emma was the leading lady in the biggest film franchise ever and you think she had to do an audition? You really don’t know how it works, do you? haha.

      • Dana says:

        No Offense,but Emma is not a Hollywood Promise and if you think Emma want’s to be a “Hollywood Promise” I can tell you,that is for sure not Emma
        Robert Pattinson is in the big Franchise Twilight and still must do Auditions.Every Actor/Actress must do Auditions for Movies,not every Movie,but there will be Movies where she must do this.She won’t get everything just because she was Hermione.
        HP is over now,the Time where she could have used HP for Movie Roles is over.She must get Roles with other Things,like Auditions for Example

        I think you don’t know how it works

        • Em says:

          So you think Emma has been Hermione and she can’t get anything with that? Please, you don’t know how it works yourself. She IS a Hollywood promise, everyone’s fond of her, she has a bunch of fans, and a pretty face.. Everyone expects great things of her and Hollywood adores her, don’t go tell me that’s not true, cus it is, and définetely don’t compare That w*nker of a Pattinson with her, that’s an impossible thing to do. ‘Even he has to audition’ doesn’t work for me, he’s not an ‘even he’ for me, and definetely not a ‘still’. In the first place, I don’t take anyone seriously who writes offense with an S in the first place, sorry, and no offence, but telling someone she’s wrong won’t work when you make spellingmistakes. Oh, and now we’re going, you put an . at the end of a sentence, and after the . you don’t go on with the next words like ‘.And’ it’s ‘. And’. Just so you know.
          Plus, Of course she won’t get everything just because of Hermione, definitely not, but c’mon, it’s Emma, her star only just started to raise.

          • Anna says:

            Wow, Em. You’re an idiot. The American spelling for “offense” is with an “s,” so technically Dana’s spelling isn’t wrong. Also you made a lot of typos yourself in the paragraph above, so you shouldn’t criticize people.

          • Em says:

            Technically I knew that, I just hoped you didn’t. heheh. I really am an idiot, but I’m right.

          • Dana says:

            I’m really sorry Em, that I don’t write perfect sometimes maybe for you.
            But no again,Emma is not a Hollywood Promise and to be honest someone who want’s a Hollywood Career must care about Hollywood and that’s not the Case.Noone of the Trio cares about Hollywood. Noone of HP does.
            I don’t know if Emma’s Star will rising more than now, because she got the most with HP. We really should stay at Reality.

            Robert is not a Wanker, he is a really good Actor, but I’m sure you didn’t see a Movie of him out from Twilight.
            You care more about Emma’s Career than Emma does, if you are afraid of her choosing the wrong Roles.
            Emma will do what she want’s, it’s her Life. She said in 2010 she want’s Experience in supporting Roles and Theatre, even Sam is a supporting Role from the whole Movie. Stop being afraid, because you can’t change anything.

  8. Em says:

    The fact that it will be in the real timeline does it all for me, I’m dying to see Emma in a costume drama, and also, this makes all the deference between en good film and a teenagemovie drama like cindrella story or Beastly, which both sucked.
    I’m just scared Emma will choose the wrong films, she needs films that show how good her acting truly is because we can’t know that now, Hermione wasn’t a role for her, she WAS Hermione. She needs roles that makes people take her seriously. Roles that prove she won’t be ‘the girl who played Hermione succesfully but couldn’t do anything else’.

  9. bonnie says:

    I would love her to play Belle! It’ll be totally different from Hermione and even her character in Ballet Shoes. I hope it’s true!

  10. Lalaine says:

    Some of the people on these boards are very naive! If this was a rumour, Mr. del Toro would not be commenting about it at all, but since he obviously does talk about it, then it’s obviously set and only waiting to film. Ha! It’s either some of Emma Watson’s fans are very young or has no common sense. It’s a shame to be connected to Potter, but she’s very talented I think.

    • dook says:

      No, it’s not a rumour that del Toro is interested in having Emma in the film. I think if people are saying it’s a rumour now, they mean it’s still not known if Emma will be part of it. Which is true. And no, just because he is talking about it does not mean it’s “obviously set” and ready to film. He has just started the process of development. It is a movie he would like to do, but it could be several years away, or never.

      • Lalaine says:

        Do you honestly believe that Mr. del Toro and Emma Watson doesn’t have communication? They most probably have talked about this movie already. It’s a big possibility they’ve already agreed terms, that Ms. Watson would play the character after Mr. del Toro finishes writing the script, and they’ve probably got a set date of when they want to start. It’s not in Mr. del Toro’s character to talk about a project involving an actor if there wasn’t any sort of truth into it. They probably already have it in mutual agreement that they would work on this with a production company in the future. Which is turning out to be Warner Bros., the same Potter production company.

  11. KS987 says:

    Well with a title like that, of course Emma is perfect for the role. ;). She did mention she was a fan of del Toro and this would be the perfect opportunity to work with him. I was surprised to hear that it’s in the early stages of development, which means that if this is filmed we will have to wait a long time to actually see it. I hope that this film doesn’t end up like Napoleon and Betsy years ago. I would really like to see Emma in this film.

    • Lalaine says:

      I don’t think this would go in the direction that Napoleon and Betsy had taken, which is a big mess. This movie production already has the backing of a good director and a good producer. With Warner Bros. involved, I think this will most likely be film. And I, being a big Beauty and the Beast fan, truly think Ms. Watson fits the role of Belle ‘perfectly’ as Mr. del Toro himself already said.

  12. Ahmed adel says:

    I hope to see emma in deferent projects but I am afraid thAT SHE might choose wrong roles because it is soooooooo hard to imagine emma in any role other Harmione

    • Lalaine says:

      This project will be good for her career wise. This would definitely “help” her develop, the opportunity is a chance to work with a good director, it can only do good to any actress, especially a beginner like her.

  13. tatiana says:

    i CANT IMAGINE HER AS BELLE! sorry just cant give someone else a chance fatso, we know u just wanna use emma to make lots of money how about choose someone who worked for the right to play this role.

    • Em says:

      What an awful thing to say! only because he wants to make loads of money.. Excuse me? Have you any idea who this man is? He is a very talented, very famous, very good, very RICH man, he knows who he has to take. No director would be allowed to take Emma in their film if we all think automatically it is for the money only.
      And you can’t imagine her as Belle? You seem to have a serious problem with thinking Emma will be Hermione forever, in some ways she will, but that time is over now(how painful that might be), she has to play other people now and she is a very charming, beautiful, actually breathtaking young woman, she’s perfect for Belle!

    • Lalaine says:

      What an insult to a very good director like Mr. del Toro. You’d think you’d have known more about the people you accuse before you make those accusations. I’m sure he’s capable to pick the actress that he thinks will fit the “role” he wants them to play. Seriously, I tend to think you’d be more happy as a fan because Ms. Watson would get to work with this director and get a good role in which she can truly shine in, but you tend to be more hateful about it. Wow, what a set of fans.

      • Lalaine says:

        And let me just add, Mr. del Toro cares more about the quality of his work than making money. He’d not choose her if he doesn’t think she’s “perfect” for it. He is not a director to pass on quality just for the sake of money. Dumb remarks.

  14. GothicClassic says:

    Emma woould be a perfect Belle XD

  15. Francisco Figueira says:

    If this movie is going to be made then I really hope Emma gets the part of Beauty, in my opinion there is no One more Perfect than Her to play that part, I would Love to see Emma playing Beauty just to watch and experience the Life She would bring to that character even If I had to watch Her kiss again which breaks my Heart.

  16. Stella says:

    That girl’s good luck knows no bounds. She’s like Gastone or something…=P

  17. Em says:

    @Dana Thanks for swearing and not using an *, now I couldn’t use a reply.. Anyway, we definitely have different opinions, I don’t feel very bothered to have a discussion with you so if you mind.. I have betters things to do. Don’t want to be rude, but I’m sick of having this type of discussions on the Internet.
    Oh, and I did see different films from ‘robpatz’, Harry Potter (obviously) and water for elephants, where my best friend (american obviously, and gay heh heh) forced me to go to because he had went with me to HP. Like that was as much of a punishment hmp.. Anyway, that doesn’t matter, what matters is that I thought he just sucked. I don’t like his whole being, his voice and the way he looks and the way he talks and walks.. Other people might think that’s sexy or anything, but I definitely don’t, creeps me out. It’s the sort of ‘shiver down your spine’ feeling. I really, greatly dislike his voice. But if you think he’s it, you should. I really couldn’t care less.
    Also, you didn’t seem to understand what I mean with ‘Hollywoodpromise’, what I mean is that Hollywood likes her, not that she likes Hollywood. I mean, we all know she doesn’t. that’s why that ridiculous rumour about her moving there with Johnny bla bla bla was just mad.
    And of course her star can rise more , she didn’t win an Oscar, did she? I personally don’t believe she ever will but that’s not the point.
    So, that’s the end. say whatever you like, I don’t care and, have a nice life, I suppose.

    • Dana says:

      Last Reply to you. I think you didn’t get what I mean either. Yes, I don’t think her Star will really rise more. I read Daniel’s Interview this Morning, where he said “I’m not going to have this fame forever, this is going to be something I’ve got now and it’s going to go at some point”
      That’s why I don’t think it really will raise more and that’s why I said they should have used HP as long they could do it.
      That’s it, because I dislike such Discussions too, just one last Thing, it’s okay if you don’t like him, but don’t judge Robert because of his Voice, he can’t really change it