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Trésor Midnight Rose Advertisement

Emma Watson’s video for Lancôme is now online. Emma has posted the advertisement for Lancôme’s new fragrance, Trésor Midnight Rose, on her website and facebook. Shot by Mario Testino in Paris, the video features Emma and French actor Cyril Descours and tells the story of two people who meet by chance and romance blossoms.

What I love about this story that we put together is that it’s almost fate, like chance, that brings the two of them together. You never know what’s going to be around the corner – that’s what we wanted to get across in the fragrance – that life is magical with little surprises” – Emma Watson.



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56 Responses to “Trésor Midnight Rose Advertisement”

  1. Kitty says:

    just watched it!! emma’s so pretty : )

  2. Chris says:

    Good commercial, it’s playful, sweet, loving, and fun…kind of how I believe Emma is in real life.

  3. Andrew says:

    I loved the little advertisment. Emma looks so beautiful and she’s starting to turn into a mature young adult.

  4. Thessalie says:

    I am so disapointed =/
    I actually don’t know why ! There is something not working for me, as much as I love her. My favorite part is the one when she enters the book shop, because I like her natural and alive ^^

    I don’t find this ad as powerful and classy as the one with Kate Winslet or Isabella Rossellini.

    Perhaps it’s just the lipstick that i don’t like on Emma x)

    • Joyce says:

      D’you know, as much as I love the ad, I know what you mean, but I know why I’m disappointed. The ad is beautiful, sweet, nice, but there is nothing powerful about it. Yes Emma is a beautiful girl roaming Paris with a handsome young guy chasing her, but there’s nothing that screams original and poigant about it. In fact, if you wanted an ad of that type, go watch Dior’s Miss Cherie, the original one, not the one with Natalie Portman which is over-cliched. It was shot by Sofia Coppola, in paris, and it is incredible. It’s one of my favourites. And if you want a more powerful one, I highly suggest Dior’s Midnight Poison with Eva Green.

      Well…whatever. Maybe the actual fragrance will be better, and either way, Emma is still a fantastic actress, with a beautiful personality.

      • Arou says:

        Oof. I wouldn’t want a perfume called: Dior Midnight Poison….

        I really liked the Chanel commercial with Keira Knightley. Emma’s commercial is nice, but I think what bothers me is the monochrome pink and white image in the bookstore. The shop seems very nice but we can’t see the colors of it since it’s monochrome! that’s what bothers me in the ad. But Emma’s beautiful and she does act well in that commercial. very natural.It’s not her fault if someone decided to make that bookstore scene pink and white 😛

        • Sadaf says:

          I thought I’m the only person who felt disappointed!:-D
          these kind of ads always has this special things about them that you fell so good,but this one it’s like you go to youtube and watch a fan made video!!!

          • Joyce says:

            A very good fan made video, mind you, but I agree. When I watch perfume ads, an ICREDIBLE perfume ad, it makes me want to live a life inside that ad. When this one ended, all I could say was: Cute. That’s it. I think I liked the promo video of Emma’s party in Paris better, and d’you know, I think with a few alterations, it would have made a much better ad.

    • Andy says:

      I could not agree more 😉 Emma looks perfect in that scene, where she enters the book shop…on the other hand, that red lipstick is ehmmmm…i simply rly think its not the right lipstick for Emma 😉

  5. Dora says:

    does anyone know when Emma’s perfume comes out? I know it comes out this month but I don’t know the date is comes out on

    • Birgit says:

      It is out already, at least in France, as I bought it in Paris last week, not sure if that is cus Lancome is French, but at least you can buy it. Oh, and its nice by the way, nothing for teenagers, more for woman, it´s very strong though, I wouldn’t have bought it if it wasn’t for Emma.

  6. Birgit says:

    I don´t like the commercial much either. It actually is about a boy, who meets a girl, girl loses her hat, boy finds the hat but girl is gone, boy sees the girl walking down the streets and runs after her but is too late but not so much because at the end she´s still standing behind him and they don´t even kiss but the hat does start flying… hmmm- I had just too much expectation, I think, that´s all, she looks beautiful but its not ‘special’. And the hat’s dreadful too, while I usually like hats like that but this one’s form is just ‘weird’.

  7. nastya says:

    the moment the hat flies is so…strange. just strange. nothing special about it. it would be much more romantic if it was like that: he tries to kiss her. but she stops him and takes the hat with this perfect smile. after all the magic in hp this flying hat looks like an insult. bad spell actually.
    and yeh, the best moment was in the bookshop. the only one they should have left in the ad after all.

  8. Luis says:

    Agree, I was expecting a little more about this ad. It’s just really weird to see a hat flying from his head to hers; that’s unnatural, didn’t get it. I think it could be done better.
    What I like is the sparkling violet lights around the wharf at night.
    Emma looks so beautiful, btw 🙂

  9. emily96 says:

    very cute

  10. Rachel says:

    cute =]

  11. susang bhatt says:

    I loved the little advertisement.Emma looks sizzling.

  12. shane says:

    Emma has fully blossomed into a beautiful, young woman. Love her!

  13. berlin says:

    Nice story 🙂

  14. susang bhatt says:

    Ad was fantastic. u looks beautiful like fairy who lives in world of stars.u looks like moon is like a shadow of ur beauty.

  15. KS987 says:

    Emma was beautiful as ever and the ad was fantastic. :). Her smile at the end just casts a spell over me. I wonder if there will be another ad in the future, since it says “it’s not the end”. Either way it was great and well worth the wait. 🙂

  16. Francy says:

    I actually got the perfume a few days ago and it is very strong, reminds of something that a real woman would wear. I’m sorry but in my opinion Emma is not the person to choose for this advertisement, not at all. The whole thing is very nice, sweet somehow, but it’s NOT Lancome! I mean, this is a brand that is mostly appreciated by women, grown women; seeing little pretty Emma acting almost like a sexy woman is just….doesn’t feel right at all. She could never be compared to the other gorgeous women who worked with Lancome, like Julie Roberts, Kate Winslet, even Anne Hathaway.

    • Grace says:

      I totally understand you! But let’s face it, she’s getting all the opportunities thanks to her pretty face, so…

      • Birgit says:

        Her pretty face and HArry Potter, but the opportunities will stop if she proves to be the girl ´who could only play Hermione´, she has to prove herself, so don´t take it on her, it might be a bad thing, all the expectations.

        • Francy says:

          She has to prove herself FIRST! Not get opportunities of a lifetime and then prove that she is not just a little pretty face. To be honest she doesn’t stand a chance in comparison with the previous ambassadresses of Lancome. She would have been ok for something like Covergirl, Maybelline, or brands like that ’cause she is fresh and nice to watch, but definitelly doesn’t have the right maturity and charm for Lancome, not yet at least. If you go and watch the ads done by Kate Winslet, for example, you’ll understand what i’m talking about.

          • Thessalie says:

            That’s what i think too, it was too soon for her for Lancome.

            However I disagree when it’s said that she has opportunities thanks to her pretty face, I believe she has talent and that has been seen.
            She is also a very smart girl, and it’s something the brands are interested in : she is a model considering that she kept her studies going, she fights for the ecology, etc…

            I wonder if the problem with the ad is not that it’s all in pink. I mean, as much as i love pink, it’s not the most powerful, romantic color. Look at the other ads, it’s all in “real colors”, it’s all sublimed but it’s the real world, the real Paris we see. Here, the pink is girlish, but in a woman’s world it’s not all in pink.

  17. Hira says:

    Oooooooh i miss her hairrr!!! 🙁 it wouldve looked more feminine if she had long hair 🙁 I lyk the purple theme and the music!! 🙂

  18. Julia says:

    I quite liked it, I actually cried. But it’s not that powerful, the hat is weird I’d liked it better if he’d put it on her head and then they’d almost kiss. I loved the ending with ‘this is not the end’ and her hair, make-up and style was perfect!

  19. Zelda says:

    Loved it! Any idea about the music? 🙂

  20. Jen says:

    Cliched overworked theme.. Don’t get me wrong, I adore Emma but come on.. It was a bit lame

  21. Cait says:

    I wrote that it was cliched on the Daily Mail comments, and got it removed due to ‘extensive and numerous’ complaints by other people.. Weird

  22. nibbles says:

    Emma stole that book. She never paid for it. Just walked out the door with it. Luckily he was too confunded to realise. It was a heart warming video I liked it

  23. Heini says:

    Emma looks so beautiful.

  24. Lizzie says:

    She looks so great! Btw, it’s not Mariano Testino, it’s Mario Testino, you’re probably getting confused with Mariano Vivanco ^^

  25. Elisabeth says:

    I’m sorry but I don’t get the whole “talent” thing. Talent for what? She did just HP for now (and that Ballet Shoes movie, where, again, she looked like a slightly different version of a know-it-all Hermione). As a model? Yes she’s nice, but there are tons of girls, more mature and with a lot more experience that are just as beautiful (if not more), and who are in a sense even more “loved” by the camera than her. She is not the right person, period.

    • Emma says:

      If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it. I hate rudeness.

      • Andy says:

        I think it is every person’s right to express his own opinion…I personally liked Emma in Ballet shoes, but i admit, that not everyone has to have the same opinion as i do…btw, the AD is quite nice, especially the part in the book store 😉

    • Thessalie says:

      I’m not saing she is the greatest talent of our generation, i’m saying she nows how to act. It’s not because she did 1 role that she doesn’t know how to act (especially since she made it evolve during 8 movies).

      And why are you trying to proove me wrong when i actually agreed on the point that Emma wasn’t a lucky choice for lancome ? xD

      • Elisabeth says:

        Yeah you’re right, i just never quite got this whole talent thing everyone go raving about.
        @ Emma
        Hem, excuse me? Everyone has an opinion, and second, i don’t think i was rude, i just expressed what i thought.

    • Birgit says:

      If you think Emma´s that boring why are you here annoying people who really do like Emma and are interested in what she does. You’re only creating discussions and fights now, so please don’t.

  26. muggle says:

    its never who right for an ad its whos the “hotest” thing going’ so business is quick to jump on the band wagon. what ever makes that almighty dollar and sell a product

  27. Sami says:

    Wow people, come on. Seriously? This is exactly why she cut her hair in the first place! She doesn’t want to be just Hermione, and it sounds to me, no offense, but she is not good enough for any other roles, to some people, because we’ve all known her as bushy haired hermione. Let’s face it. She’s grown up, she’s moving on with her life, and she’s doing it in a positive way. I for one am very proud of her for not ending up in a nuthouse or rehab somewhere. No, she’s still sweet, smiling, sparkly eyed Emma. If it were true that no one would give her any chances, what would she be perfect for? traveling to conventions and parades as Hermione for the rest of her days. hat’s not fair. Give her the chance she deserves, to stretch her wings.

  28. Nicole says:

    I really enjoyed that video 🙂 everything’s perfect: the backing story,the backing music,Emma’s style,all perfect! I love how they shot it in Paris too, it’s such a beautiful place 🙂

  29. Celia says:

    I love it! She’s beautiful!

  30. tree says:

    Very nice. 🙂

  31. Shannon says:

    I think the actor working opposite her was a but understated. He doesn’t seem all that exciting to me. It was cliche, but sweet. She is stretching her wings and growing and learning along the way. Certainly not bad off for someone at the tender age of 21.

  32. Mike says:

    The last 15 seconds as the boat pulls away is where it should start for the short version. Great smile Em.

  33. Kathy says:

    This video was ridiculously tacky…why did the director choose to execute such a terrible storyline?