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About writing an autobiography (2009):"No, I don't imagine doing one. It's too strange and weird to look back and contemplate over that small girl. I criticize myself a lot, and it would be difficult to watch the first few films. I'm very proud of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but I had to see it two or three times before I was calm enough to be able to concentrate on my interpretation."

Trailer from My Week With Marilyn

The first trailer for My Week With Marilyn is now out on Yahoo Movies!. Emma’s part in the film is small, but we do get a couple quick scenes in the trailer with Emma, at about 1:08 and 1:42.


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41 Responses to “Trailer from My Week With Marilyn”

  1. 1989 says:

    Thank you Dook for the short video of the movie “Perks of Being a wallflower.” I enjoyed watching it and Emma looked lovely in it and I cannot wait to see it in theaters when it comes out.

  2. 130671 says:

    She looks like Hilary Swank there ! πŸ˜€

    • catzeye says:

      She does kind of look like Hilary Swank in the first shot, except way prettier. When ever I get my hair cut and I don’t want them to take too much off, I say “don’t Hilary Swank me” because of that movie where she played a man.

  3. robin says:

    i tout em was d lead …she’s jst supportin…wat a shame

  4. Luis says:

    It’s wonderful to watch Emma again in a movie! Even when she only appears twice in the trailer πŸ™‚
    Lot of success Emma! πŸ˜€

  5. Spencer says:

    so she isn’t in it that much, who cares. Emma is wonderful and she has such an amazing future in front of her

  6. nastya says:

    the movie seems to be quite a success. i’d watch it even without emma.

  7. Adam says:

    It’s looks fantastic!
    Was I the only one who got goosebumps when Emma said her line haha? πŸ˜€

  8. shane says:

    Her hairstyle during her first appearance in the trailer was cute!

  9. Nicole says:

    I’m looking forward to this πŸ™‚ Emma does have a small role, though πŸ™‚ but the movie looks interesting anyway,i’m sure Lucy will be a very interesting character πŸ™‚

  10. Tree says:

    Emma only wanted a small role though didn’t she, just because she got so used to the crew and set of HP. She needed a small role to get an idea of things – smart move! The film looks really classy and so removed from anything HP. Which is good because it shows her in a different light from Hermione so she won’t get typecast… Looks good.

    (I am a HP fan, just this comment looks anti-HP, im just re-quoting along the lines of what Emma said and wanted to achieve, which i think she has! so woo!)

    • Arou says:

      Yeah, She was at brown when she did that small part. she went on the set like 3 or 4 days only, then back to school!

  11. dook says:

    Just to be clear, I didn’t mean anything negative about Emma’s role being small, only that since it is a small part she is not prominent in the trailer.

    • Jane-Alex says:

      IΒ΄m surprised she is even in the trailer, I read somewhere that her role is very very small, so I didnΒ΄t expect her to be in trailer. Though I wonder how many scenes she has in that movie…I hope more than two.

      • Arou says:

        Her role is very small, but it has a certain importance:

        Emma plays Lucy, the girl that Laurence Olivier first get to fall in love with, then dumb her for Marylin. But the thing is that he get back with her at the end.

      • Tree says:

        They would of put Emma in for advertising reasons, it’s nothing to do with how large a roll she has but how the producers promote and sell it to the audience.

  12. nibblespeaches says:

    I think the reason why Emma is in the trailer is because she is a well known name and they know she’ll draw in people to see the movie. I’m surprised the trailer in rated R though. But knowing Marilyn she probably isn’t wearing clothes for half of the movie.

  13. Emma says:


  14. Spencer says:

    does anyone know how long ago they started making this as to whether Emma is wearing a wig in this or not?

  15. Arou says:

    I think she’s in the trailer because even if she has a small part, her character has a certain improtance. I heard she plays the girl the principal character first fall in love for, then get her down for Marylin, but at the end he comes back to Lucy (Emma’s character) and she gives him another chance.

    • shane says:

      What I only knew is that he dumped Lucy (Emma’s character) for Marilyn. I didn’t know that he’s going back to her! That’s great! I want to see this film..

  16. Joyce says:

    Ah, it looks so good! It’s the kind of movie I would watch even without Emma in it.

  17. Rachel says:

    this doesn’t look like she’ll be in it that much but this looks like a great movie.

  18. Emma says:


  19. susang bhatt says:

    i like a trailer it’s really good like u.

  20. Spencer says:

    every time i come to this site (every day probably like most of you) and see Emma’s face, i just can’t help but feel how amazing it must feel to know her and to have conversed with her.

  21. Anon says:

    Anybody have the full Elle interview? It was out on weds.

  22. reza says:

    Its very good for emma 2 act in diffrent movie

  23. Tree says:

    They would of put Emma in for advertising reasons, it’s nothing to do with how large a roll she has but how the producers promote and sell it to the audience.

  24. KS987 says:

    It’s about time the trailer came out. Emma looks so beautiful as Lucy. πŸ™‚ It was a smart move to play this role, as she wouldn’t have been able to do anything larger with her schedule at the time. She was barely able to do this film, as she had to juggle it with her Brown schedule AND her promotion for Deathly Hallows part 1. And regardless of how much screentime she has, she is one of the most popular actresses in the world so she’s going to be put in advertisements and promotional material as it’s going to draw in an even bigger crowd.

    Yes she wore a wig in order to film this movie, though she did try to convince them to let Lucy have short hair but to no avail. She has her real hair in Perks though.

  25. Kitty says:

    nice to see Emma in another movie, can’t wait for it even her part is samll

  26. tabitoo says:

    This film is getting mixed reviews. Most are saying it could be the next “King’s Speech”. Most are sayin Michelle Williams did an excellent job on her portrail of Marilyn. I read one that was the opposite and said Michelle wasn’t right for the role, and that the film seemed more “made for tv” than an actually big screen film. Emma’s reviews follow the same mixed views. One said she was bad, another said she was subpar and then there was one that said she wasn’t used enough. From what I’ve seen the film looks really good and Michelle, Eddie, and Emma played their parts well. Though I agree with the last review, and whished Emma was in it more but oh well there’s always “Perks”.

    • Arou says:

      how can you have read some mixed reviews? I only found 2 reviews from bloggers who went to a pre-screening.

  27. Anonymous says:
