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About who she'd rather date: Harry, Ron or Viktor? (2005): " In an ideal world, you would merge all three of them together. That would be my guy. Probably... this is so difficult... I'm stuck between Harry and Ron... but I think... I think Harry, the intelligence... Yeah, probably that one! (bursts out laughing). "

Back to School

Emma Watson has returned to university now. As you probably know, Emma will be studying back at home in Oxford this year, for a year of “study abroad”. She has posted a quick hello to her fans on her website, along with a new photo in her role as ‘student’. Click the thumb to read Emma’s message and view the picture larger.

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16 Responses to “Back to School”

  1. Masmexus says:

    Aww, she looks so pretty!! 🙂

  2. 130671 says:

    This look is so much better than some of that overdone dress&makeup stuff… 😀

  3. Liubov says:

    love it

  4. Birgit says:

    Haha, she looks so scary normal! joking but true, it looks beautiful on her though, normality, I guess.

  5. Isabelle says:

    I really hope that’s not real fur she’s wearing

  6. Dr.Pepper says:

    I read the message on Emma’s official website and it was awesome. I’m glad that Emma will be focusing on her studies more.

  7. Nicole says:

    It’s nice she’s wished everyone good luck with all their work 🙂 (i started term in September) that message means a lot to me 🙂 lovely picture too 🙂 it’s nice to know she’s focusing on her studies 🙂 because they are important,even if your famous 🙂

  8. Luis says:

    Emma, enjoy this term very much! You can do it! Courage! Thumbs up! 😉
    One day I imagined Emma could study the Uni in Oxford, and now watch her! She’s there! 😀

  9. susangbhatt says:

    nice to see u in university. i know u eazily solved ur studies problem likehermione best wishies 4 ur studies.u achieve best of the best.stay happy in ur new life. god bless u.

    • Birgit says:

      you shouldn’t write U al the time, it’s really annoying for other people to read, it’s more a thing for texts or something. I know it’s easy but I it’s awful to read. I just though I’d let you know. Not like you’re going to stop doing it now but still..

  10. KS987 says:

    Cute picture. 😛 Emma looks beautiful as always. 🙂 I hope she enjoyed her break and that she has an amazing year at Oxford. After the ending of the Harry Potter series she deserves some time to just pursue her education and have as normal of a life as she possible can. 🙂

  11. Joanne says:

    Hi my dear Emma ! I just want to say that your success is one of the most important things for us ! good luck Hermione ! you are the brightest which of your age !