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About the Durmstrangs and the BeauxBatons (2005): "I think it's great to have the Durmstrangs and the BeauxBatons involved in this film, it brings a lot of colour. I think it's great for people to realise that Hogwarts isn't the only magical school, there's a lot of others."

November 2011 Calendar


Congratulations to Qurcya, our winner for the November Calendar competition!



Honorable mentions to Victoria, Fifi, Cecile and Willow. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted.



All the competition entries can be viewed here.

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28 Responses to “November 2011 Calendar”

  1. Luis says:

    After all, you won the 5th place Willow! 😀
    (I think Willow = WillowOfNarnia, right?)
    Congrats Qurcya, nice calendar: simple and beautiful 😉
    My fav was Cecile’s, I really love that pic! 🙂

  2. WillowofNarnia says:

    I actually think (besides mine) that second place is prettiest. 🙂

  3. Jane-Alex says:

    My favourite was by Qurcya, but not this one, but that with blue background….this what won is too simple 🙂

  4. Qurcya says:

    I saw so many other amazing calendars this month. Didn’t really expect people to notice this one…hee~ ^_^v Congrats to the HMs and all the others. 🙂

  5. victoria says:

    So happy to have gotten another Hon. Mention! Thanks so much you guys :)) It’s only my second month of entering, and I’ve already nicked a second place <333 Hopefully you'll like my December entries, congrats to Qurcya – you always make beautiful calenders!

  6. Dr.Pepper says:

    Congratulations to the winner an the honorable mentions.

  7. tree says:

    Congratulations to everyone! 🙂

  8. susang bhatt says:

    Congratulations to everyone!

  9. emmawatsonfan14 says:

    Congrats! I thought they were all amazing!!!! What do people use to make their calenders? example: Printshop, Power Point…) Just curious……

  10. Nicole says:

    Congrats to the winner and all the Honorable Mentions 🙂 my apologies, I’ve been so busy with my work and out of work life this week, I did not have time to vote…all the calenders are stunning though!:)

  11. Cait says:

    Good god that calender is stunning! Honourable mentions are wonderful as well 🙂 Think you did emma proud!

  12. KS987 says:

    Great calendars guys. 🙂

  13. jessica says:

    Well done guys!!

  14. hellooooo says:

    hellooooo i want to know about emma watson and whats she up too

  15. SamMonkFan says:

    Nice job on the calender! love that pic of emma, she looks lovely. I know this is kind of off topic, but I kind of wish she was old enough back in 1997, she she would have been the perfect Rose in Titanic.