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About being creative consultant for a clothing line (2010): "I have been very heavily involved in the design side, but I don't want to take credit for being a designer as I haven't trained as a designer, I haven't been to art college and I didn't want this collection to be about me, and this is not an Emma Watson clothing line. This is not a celebrity endorsement, this is something I thought was a really great idea and I wanted to help with. I just thought fashion was a great way to help people."

My Week with Marilyn Premiere this Sunday

My Week with Marilyn will have its UK Premiere this Sunday the 20th at the Cineworld Haymarket theatre in London. A couple of sources have listed Emma Watson as attending, but I would treat this as a rumor until we get more reliable information. Celebrity arrivals will likely start between 5 and 6 PM.

In the early summer of 1956, 23 year-old Colin Clark, just down from Oxford and determined to make his way in the film business, worked as a lowly assistant on the set of “THE PRINCE AND THE SHOWGIRL”, the film that united Sir Laurence Olivier with Marilyn Monroe, who, whilst shooting, was also on honeymoon with her new husband, the playwright Arthur Miller.

Emma plays Lucy, a wardrobe girl on the movie set, and love-interest of Colin. Emma says about her character, “Lucy has experience on set, whereas to Colin Clark the film world is all new, shiny and exciting. She is very wary about Assistant Directors and she knows how these films run, but she‟s still a bit naïve and innocent. Even though at first she‟s very careful of Colin, she falls for him and ends up getting hurt.”

Another still of Emma as Lucy is now out. Click the thumb for a larger view.

My Week with Marilyn opens in limited release November 23.

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13 Responses to “My Week with Marilyn Premiere this Sunday”

  1. 130671 says:

    Can’t say I like the subject of the film much.
    But seeing that determined/angry look on her face is great.

  2. Dr.Pepper says:

    What a cute little story. I am going to buy this movie on DVD when it comes out because I won’t have the time to watch it in theaters. I myself find it a bit sad that Emma falls in love and then she sort of falls out of love with Colin Clark. Great picture of Emma btw.

  3. Luis says:

    Emma looks really really good even when is not posing for the photo! She’s photogenic! 🙂
    I hope she attends the Premiere 😉

  4. Sarah says:

    I really like that Emma is doing something like this! It’s different and the whole falling for Colin and then being crushed is going to be exciting to see her act out. It’s a different kind of romance than the Ron and Hermione relationship. Should be really interesting! Can’t wait to see this movie! =)

  5. susangbhatt says:

    nice too see u that my week with Marilyn movie Premiere at Sunday.curiously waiting 4 Ur act as Lucy. my best wishes 4 movie.

  6. emlover says:

    great pic can`t wait for the movie.

  7. tabitoo says:

    My husband’s taking me to see it next week. Yay… I’m taking my daughter to see “Breaking Dawn” tonight at midnight so she’ll watch her brother so that my husband and I can go next week to see “My week with Marilyn.” So I’m happy. Though I’m a little worried about my daughter babysitting her brother. They fight all the time. She’s 13 and he’s 5 so maybe they can go a couple of hours without killing each other…:/

  8. Joanne says:

    oh my God ! Hermione Granger is the best always !

  9. Valentina says:

    The time has gone so fast and the premiere already! :O

    Can’t wait to see the film 😀

  10. Celia says:

    Hopefully Emma goes!!

  11. KS987 says:

    Emma’s stunningly gorgeous as Lucy. 🙂 There are a couple of new trailers for My Week With Marilyn which feature Emma. I hope that she is able to attend the premiere since she wasn’t able to attend the US one as she was starting school.

  12. Victoria says:

    Hi tired of coordinating
    You mess too much effort for Sayttvn
    I love Emma Watson is too cool and edema touch
    I am familiar with your

  13. Victoria says:

    We respond to your comments Nmydyd?

    I speak Farsi Krdnv Baladi you?

    Whenever I think I should be comin m
    Bye bye