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About Daniel & Rupert (2007): "Daniel and Rupert are the only other people in the world who will ever understand what it is like to have been through what I have been through. I think we have quite a special bond. Even if we hated each other and didn't get on at all, we would always have that. That's important to me, being able to talk to them about it and going through it all with them."

December 2011 Calendar


We have our December Calendar. Congratulations to Charlotte!



Honorable mentions to Charlotte, Marie, Natalia, Lea, Qurcya, Olive and Emmanuel. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted.



All the competition entries can be viewed here.

Comments closed for this item.

36 Responses to “December 2011 Calendar”

  1. Zinc Oxide's not dead! says:

    to the winner and All the hounourable mentions!
    love to all those who entered!

  2. Isabelle says:

    uhm… guys, DECEMBER was written without an “E”

  3. Dr.Pepper says:

    Congratulations to the winner and the honorable mentions as well. All the calendars look great. ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Charlotte says:

    Oopsies!! Woww sorry, yea I’ll fix that.

  5. Alex says:

    Man, the picture is really great, fantastic job!
    But should there be any days – Mo, Tu, Sat….?

    Otherwise, apart from being pretty, the calendar is kinda useless..

    • Thessalie says:

      I actually agree with you, a calendar where you can’t even find which day of the week you are is not actually a good calendar for me =/

      Maybe there should be a art contest or something like this appart from the calendars !

  6. Thessalie says:

    I would like to thank Marie and Victoria for their beautiful calendars – i voted for you.

    Congratulations to all the winners !

  7. Victoria says:

    Thanks Thessalie and anyone else who voted for me. Unfortunately I didn’t get an hon mention or a win this time round; personnally I thought these were my best calenders yet! I do love the winner though, great job ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Qurcya says:

      Awh, your calenders were lovely! don’t be disheartened..there’s always next month. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Charlotte says:

        I agree Victoria your calendars were very beautiful and shouldn’t feel discouraged. It’s just odd sometimes what people vote for :\ For instance I thought there were many that as far as graphics were much better than the one of mine that got an honorable mention. So I guess you just never know, but I’ve totally felt that way too sometimes.

        • victoria says:

          Both of yours were beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚ You totally deserved Hon Mentions! <3 Thanks for the words of encouragements, I'll be back at it next month. I think it defenitely helps to use relatively recent pictures in the calenders, and that's what I am going to try next time XD Thanks again…

  8. Jane-Alex says:

    Iยดm glad that at least one of my favourites got HM…..

  9. charlotte says:

    hey! my name is charlotte too! ๐Ÿ˜›

  10. dook says:

    The spelling on December has been corrected.

    As for the days of the week, I guess normally calendars have them, but they aren’t required in the rules, and we’ve had 5 winners this year that didn’t have them.

    About other contests: If you have an idea for a contest you can make a suggestion. The nice thing about a calendar contest is that it is displayed on the site for a month. I’m not sure what else we could do.

    • EmilyBear says:

      something else that really emphasises graphic design. i love the calender contest, but feel that sometimes people just aren’t voting for calenders that are trully graphically rich. this winner was great, i admit, but i think that there should be a bigger highlight on graphic design skills…

      • dook says:

        You are probably right. I would guess that most people base their votes on what they like, and not which shows the most artistic skills. But with competitors ranging from beginners to very talented people, maybe that’s the best way to give everyone a chance. Perhaps if we had some contest where people compete in a class, so beginners were up against other beginners etc., it would work to judge on skills.

        • Qurcya says:

          Perhaps a banner competition where the winner’s banner will be put up as the site’s main banner? Or a banner for the photo gallery maybe? Just my 2 cents. ๐Ÿ˜€ *peace*

        • Victoria says:

          I like that idea too – with classes maybe.

    • Thessalie says:

      I talked about another time of competition not for the competition itself, but because it would push those great artists we have on the site to produce great pieces of work ^^

      It could happen in the middle of the month, in order for us to have 2 voting pools per month.

  11. Charlotte says:

    I agree, I love doing graphic design as a hobby and I love doing these competitions because I like sharing my work with others and seeing everyone elses wonderful works as well. However I definitely feel that I sometimes get more caught up in the graphic design portion of it and pay little attention to the actual calendar.:\ I apologize to anyone that really wanted the days of the week. I’ll keep that in mind and do my best to include them in future entries.

    Oh and dook just as a side note the misspelling is still there. I think my new version was titled the same thing as my old one, so it may have been confusing. Just wanted to point it out :]

  12. dook says:

    Charlotte, it is changed. The old one is probably in your browser cache. Try force reloading the image.

  13. Amy says:

    Having majored in graphic design myself… it really is hard to even judge sometimes based on “artistic skills” vs how the image actually looks to you. Maybe the people who voted this month just prefer the picture that was used… or maybe they like certain colors better than others, you know, etc etc. Art is so subjective. A design could win that took the person only about 5 minutes to create and very little effort, when put up against one that someone else spent hours/days on… just because it just looked better to certain voters. And its fine because its just based on artistic taste.

    IDK, this is the second time I’ve entered and I thought mine was really good this time. I won the first time, and this time I didnt even get into the honorable mentions, haha. I think I just had a different idea of what I wanted then everyone else. I just put up my calendar on my computer at home so I can at least see it myself sometimes, its cool ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Thessalie says:

      I must say I also vote base on the pictures, sometimes great calendars use pictures I can’t stand, it’s human not to vote for such a reason ๐Ÿ˜‰ Pure chance, it’s not about skills.

      However good picture + bad skills won’t get my votes, i promess !

    • dook says:

      Many people send in two or three calendars. It’s not uncommon for someone to have the winning calendar, and another that gets almost no votes. Skill is a part of winning, but I think a lot of it is having the right picture, the right colors, at the right time.

    • Victoria says:

      Same here!! haha, that’s what happend to me and i totally gree with you ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Natalia says:

    Congrats to the winner ๐Ÿ™‚ and thank to all who voted for my calendar. It’s my first entries and comment on this site so I also wanted to say hello;) and apologise for my english.

  15. akki says:

    Congratulation charlotte. but m sory i did not like your calender. I thing blur portion r not done very well near emma image. Sory for complain. I hope u r doing great at the next month of callender. Thankyou

  16. Vai says:

    i am going to enter the January contest

  17. Woosh says:

    Where are the pictures from the one with the cool hat from? Haven’t seen those before.

  18. Nicole says:

    Congrats to the winner and all the Honorable Mentions,they all look great ๐Ÿ™‚ x