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Emma in Hong Kong for Lancôme

Emma Watson is in Hong Kong to promote Lancôme. Emma was present at a launch event and later a VIP dinner. We have a mix of HQ and LQ photos courtesy of celebutopia and various tumblr and weibo accounts.



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36 Responses to “Emma in Hong Kong for Lancôme”

  1. Celia says:

    She looks stunning!

  2. Danielle says:

    That dress is stunning!!! (the black one I mean)

  3. emily96 says:

    she looks beautiful! I love both dresses 🙂 Gorgeous!!

  4. Dr.Pepper says:

    Well, I’m glad that Emma had a good time visiting Hong Kong. I’m sure the fans were glad to see her. 🙂 Thank you for posting the pictures in HQ and LQ. 😀

  5. Chris says:

    Both outfits look great on her, I hope she had a good time shopping earlier today and that the event went smoothly. I guess on to Dubai next huh?

  6. Joyce says:

    She looks great in the white dress, but I’ve never liked the look of her hair slicked back, even when it was long. Still, she is absurdly beautiful. Hope she has fun..

  7. Luis says:

    All I can say is…
    Wow! 😀
    How can she be in two places at once? I thought she was studying in Oxford right now…
    Maybe all the runes stuff is true after all lol 😛

  8. Anon says:

    Is it me or does she look a lot chubbier than she did at the DH 2 premiere in July? Luv both dresses though.

    • Joyce says:

      You are crazy xD She works out regularly and has a perfetly consistent and healthy figure.

      • Anon says:

        How do u know she works out regulary, u dot know her. I was just sayin that cuz maybe she looks kinda stressed nd had noticed that she didn’t seem as skinny as she used. Chill!!!! Nd I’m not sayin she’s fat!!!

        • Sallyhas says:

          She had a coach to work out this summer. Not getting in the argument, just pointing out a fact. She mentionned it in a girl magazine when asked if she practiced any sport.

    • Chris says:

      She looks the same to me, athletic and healthy. Plus it could be the picture, I mean the one on the right is a straight shot while on the right you are getting a 45 degree angle.

    • Nicole says:

      Emma is NOT chubby. Just because you can’t see her rib cage does not make her fat.

  9. 216 says:

    An Angel From Heaven…

  10. Anna says:

    Her hair looks amazing at this length.

  11. I love her hair at that length too. She is just so extraordinary.

  12. I love the white dress the most!

  13. emmawatsonfan14 says:

    Wow, gorgeous!! I love how her hair is done when she is in the white dress!! but, she looks stunning with that green dress and the red lips!

  14. nibblespeaches says:

    She might have gained a LITTLE weight since her chest looks fuller, but she looks great to me. Her body looks very similar to Marilyn Monroes in the second pic.

  15. KS987 says:

    Emma’s stunningly sexy as ever. Just….WOW *drools*. I’m glad she’s making more appearances than I expected. Then again her semester ended earlier than I expected(it ended a few days ago apparently). I hope she had a lot of fun in Hong Kong. 🙂

  16. Carson says:

    EMMA that’s really great!!

  17. susangbhatt says:

    U r a one of the great faces of present. welcome to Asia.

    Ur photos r outstanding.u looks like fairy who lives in the world of stars.

  18. Bradley says:

    Wow! And nice (ahem!) “decolitage” too, Miss Watson! There’s just absolutely nothing at all wrong with her. Wow!

  19. alphy v/s laura says:

    u r the angel of the earth
    a beautiful angel

  20. Nicole says:

    I prefer her hair at the launch party,but both dresses are very pretty 🙂 she’s stunning 🙂 and Hong Kong…i’m pretty jealous! 🙂

  21. Rebecca says:

    Agree! That girl is not chubby. She has a “womanly” figure. She’s just still growing. Bigger hips, bigger chest does not mean she’s put on weight. Sheesh.

  22. Ravi says:

    looking gorgeous ….. really beautiful

  23. negi says:

    she looking alwayes beautiful to me in aney place any dress.she is miss uni for me.

  24. negi says:

    i want takle her one time

  25. musdan says:

    what ever you use,,,, i still loving you emma…… great!!!!

  26. Irene says:

    I am from greece and I dont speak english very good but I want tell you that I love you and I am your bigest fan