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About why she likes French (2007): "Because I love France. Paris and Amsterdam are my favourite cities. I also like French cinema, I would love to work there. I actually like almost everything which is not English."

Behind the Scenes for Blanc Expert

A new video released by Elle Taiwan has a behind the scenes look of Emma Watson in a new photoshoot for Lancôme. Shot by Mario Testino, Emma promotes Lancôme’s new whitening serum, Blanc Expert Derm-Crystal.


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Reminder: Last days to participate in our Holiday Project.


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59 Responses to “Behind the Scenes for Blanc Expert”

  1. Marie says:

    Wow in this sport she’s particularly beautiful! I really want to see the results of the pictures taken by Mister Mario Testino, he really is a really good photographer. i really love his work.

  2. Thessalie says:

    Seems so much better than the last lancome add! Love it, she very beautiful here.

  3. 216 says:

    This song is for You Emma:

    Anathema – Dreaming Light

  4. jessica says:

    God, shes perfect!

  5. Chris says:

    Love the dresses, she looks so elogant, flirty, and playful…but my god was the lighting effects migraine inducing lol

  6. Dr.Pepper says:

    I love Emma’s outfit and the video as well. I noticed that Emma’s hair is growing back, which is good. Thank you for posting the video dook. I enjoyed watching it, even though it was short. 🙂 😀

  7. Jason says:

    The perfect girl! Usually, the beauty of youth lasts only a short time, but she just gets more and more beautiful. What an extraordinary face! One in a million. Or more.

  8. Iris says:

    And in the end we’ll be sparkling as crystal as the vampires in Twilight. I really wonder if Emma knows how many unhealthy chemicals are in some make-up fluids and lipstics etc. Some can cause cancer and are produced in China or other countries like India where people are underpaid. She stands for Fair Trade but does it involve the cosmetics industry as well?
    The video shot is very nice but I have my doubts concerning the whole cosmetic business.

    • jessica says:


      • Lola says:

        Emma doesn’t stand for cheap make-up which often has some unhealthy things in it ^^ Lancôme’s products are way better for your skin than cosmetics for 95 Cent. And have you seen the product’s prices? It’s because it’s produced in France – not China.

        • Iris says:

          Well, Jessica, watch you language. I like the things Emma does, I just voiced my opinion about cosmetic products. And Lola, you’re right, I wouldn’t buy cheap cosmetic for the reasons you said but I saw a documentary about cosmetic products and they mentioned L’Oréal, which is the largest cosmetics and beauty company, and they seem to have production centres in China. I’m not saying that I compare them with Lancôme but now I wonder – as the world is quite corrupt and exploits people – if they’re trustworthy with their make-up production. I’m someone who likes to look behind all the glamour and avertisements. This might turn out into a huge discussion, so I’m ending it here.

          • Joyce says:

            Actually, I don’t mean to put fuel onto the fire, but aren’t Lancome and L’Oreal from the same family?

          • Joyce says:

            Ok, Jessica, listen. Firstly I have supported and admired Emma since I was NINE years old, and consider myself a true fan. And here’s why. I, unlike you, am nOt under the impression that sheis holy and can do no wrong. In fact, some of her photoshoots and outfits and such, I’ve detested. Case in point? I hated the midnight rose ad. I thought it was tacky. Does that mean I hate the fragrance, or Emma? No. The fragrance smells divine, I intend to buy it soon. And I continue to support Emma in everything she does.
            And secondly, who the hell are you to get off a website I’ve visited for almost six years now? I hate rudeness, and perhaps you have good intents, but you go too far. So while you remain a drone, with your very own brainwashed opinion of Emma in your head, I’ll see her, as I am firmly certain she wants to be seen as. Respecting the privacy of Emma the girl, and admiring Emma the actress, accepting what I dont like about her photoshoot or outfit choice or whatever, knowing that she and I differ, and are both prone to accidents. Rant over.

          • Joyce says:

            * to tell me to get off a website

  9. Joyce says:

    Doesn’t anyone find it unusual that Emma’s website hasn’t been updated for Christmas as it usually is?

    • LN says:

      yeah, maybe she’s been busy? the latest official update was on her Twitter (which had nothing to do with Christmas btw)

  10. nibblespeaches says:

    Oh yeah! I’d like to unwrap Emma on Christmas morning. Best present EVER!

  11. Nicole says:

    Emma looks so pretty 🙂 great video 🙂 Mario Testino is an amazing photographer,all his works been amazing 🙂

  12. Luis says:

    Wow! Such a wonderful video!
    Waiting for this new photoshoot 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Masmexus says:

    i have a feeling emma’s website will be updated after christmas…
    i really do love her short hair, i wish i could make mine like that, but i don’t have time to make myself look pretty 🙁
    I LUV U EMMA! 🙂
    she is so classic.
    i luv emma watson. and the photo shoot is really nice, the very light blue, silver, and white makes it very wintery and beautiful.

  14. shane says:

    Emma looks so dazzling.. Beautiful as always.

  15. Bradley says:

    She’s just flawless!

  16. susangbhatt says:

    i saw ur new photoshoout 4 lancome. i really like this, specially yore dress selection its really awesome.truly u looks fairy who lives in the world of stars.

  17. Anita says:

    wow! she is great.she is so much pretty.

  18. lover says:

    wooooooooooow!!!so much pretty.I love her dress.really fairy.She looks quite beautiful.Oh my GOD…

  19. amir says:


  20. Kitty says:

    woooow shes sooo gorgeous!! can’t wait to see the whole add!!

  21. Katie says:

    I didn’t quite understand what she is supposed to advertise in this vid…

    • dook says:

      The video isn’t really an advertisement. It’s video from a photoshoot and the images will be used in ads for Blanc Expert.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Some peoples are so jealous(probaly rupert and bonnie fans)
    She’s gorgeous!

  23. Joanne says:

    Emma’s very beautiful ALWAYS !!!

  24. Celia says:

    She looks so beautiful.

  25. Silly says:

    Wow! That was great. Nice video. 😉

  26. Iris says:

    This is probably a stupid question, but what is a whitening serum?:O

  27. Birgit says:

    Whitening serums?? Ugh I hate whitening shit.. People should be happy with the colour they got. People in India and China will use this rubbish because they see a very pale British girl in the advert. Not to mention this doesn’t work and often is unhealthy. Can’t help but feel disappointed; not in Lancome, it’s just Lancome, can’t help itself- but if Emma’s that smart of a girl as everyone says she is, she wouldn’t do this.

    • Joyce says:

      Birgit…whitening serums are used to remove blemishes and scars. I hardly see the relevance of your argument. And as to your claim that it doesn’t work…
      I have caramel toned skin, and three months ago, it was covered in acne scars. I was actually ashamed. I used Cliniques serum, and my face has never been clearer. Go do your research before you present an argument.

      • Birgit says:

        You really do respond to everything everyone says here don’t you.. Anyway, I’m sorry, English isn’t my first language. I thought whitening meant what it means but apparently they product isn’t what I thought it was. I’m not gonna say sorry to you because I get the impression you like to respond to people and throw your opinion in their face. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. And I really do believe this shit doesn’t work, because it doesn’t 90% of the time- that has been proved, by the way.

        • Joyce says:

          No, I don’t, just what I know to be wrong (: You don’t have to swear, and I don’t expect you to say sorry. I was simply stating the truth, not demanding apology.

          • Arou says:

            I did, at first, thought a whitening serum was to alter the skin color to make it paler too Birgit. Plus, she went to Japan, which doesn’t make easier for people like us for whom english is our second language. But yeah, Joyce is right, it’s not what we thought.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Clinique stuff are great and I believe this product will work too, although maybe not as good as they say it does. Yeah jessica I could have searched for the answer on google, you’te right xD btw, I’m a different Iris then the one who posted earlier. I’ll change my name next time:p

  29. jackie says:

    She looks stunning!!! really. soooo beautiful.

  30. KS987 says:

    Emma just keeps getting more beautiful ever time I see her. Just simply gorgeous.

    At first I thought she only signed on for Rouge of Love, but during her trip to Lancome it was revealed she was promoting other products as well. I believe I saw :50 on one of the screens in a picture of the event.

  31. Valentina says:

    I’m hoping to get this for Xmas 😀

  32. dook says:

    Ok, that’s enough of the arguing and name calling. You can state your opinion, but there is no reason to be rude.

  33. Anne says:

    Well actually Lancome DOES test on animals, often indirectly, but it does; and Emma totally knows that, even if she “stands up” for things like fair trade… But hey, she can’t say no to Lancome, can she? I just wish she could stay true to what she says and what she pretends to fight for.

    • sarah says:

      oh no! Bonnie fans. What they care so much about what Emma does? Stay on bwo or pottershots, ok?! That why i hate kids and stans. Emma FTW!

      • Anna says:

        IKR? They try too hard to make Emma the worst person on the world. It’s pathetic. CharlizeT. poses for Peta and now poses for Dior, the same for NathalieP. (vegan,animal lover…). DitaVT poses for Peta and now wear some fur. Losers! Probaly they thinks she’s Mother Teresa of Calcutta!

  34. Estelle says:

    Happy Holidays Emma!!

  35. tabitoo says:

    Hubby got me “Tresor Midnight Rose” for Christmas just like I asked. Smells so good. Best Christmas gift ever!

  36. Erin says:

    She’s so gorgeous. How can someone be so pretty? It shouldn’t be possible. <3