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About the three cats that play Crookshanks (2004): "They're all trained to do different things. Like one of them can climb up the curtains. Another one if, like if you put a mark down, it will go to it. Another cat is just a really good one for holding, he doesn't mind being stroked and cuddled. They've all got different things they can do."

New Photos from Harry Crowder Shoot

New photos from Emma Watson’s shoot with Harry Crowder back in December 2010 have finally been released.

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33 Responses to “New Photos from Harry Crowder Shoot”

  1. Nikta says:

    Oooh! Lovely

  2. thew says:

    This might be my favourite shoot with her ever! Especially with the hat!!

  3. Jason says:

    Whoa! How French is that! C’est fantastique!

  4. Dr.Pepper says:

    Lovely photos. I love each and every single one of them.

  5. greendayfan says:

    This is one lovely photoshoot! I love that it’s simple and classy! Very good! My favorite is the one with the pencil(or brush?)/mustache!

  6. luci says:


  7. Luis says:

    Great one! 🙂
    Were these photos taken over a year ago? (O_O) I wonder why they wait so much…
    My fav is Crowder-3 btw! 😉

  8. Thessalie says:

    Love these !
    Have you seen his website ? is the guy Alex Watson ?? (on the fashion and portrait part)

  9. Amir-brock says:

    She is the most beautiful girl .

  10. Spencer says:

    So pretty! she is just stunning!

  11. Nicole says:

    Nice photos• Can’t believe they’ve only just released them though!

  12. WillowofNarnia says:

    Soooo pretty!! 😀 I love her hat!!
    Did anyone think that it’s weird that all the pictures of guys on that site were shirtless? O.o Come on, not everyone likes to see shirtless men…

  13. Window says:

    Thank God, I wanna cry! These are so lovely…

  14. susangbhatt says:

    nice photo shoot u looks amazingly well.looks like fairy who lives in the world of stars.

  15. shane says:

    Classy and elegant photoshoot! This is great.

  16. hermi. says:

    very beautiful.Love these !

  17. emlover says:

    very classy and beautiful photos did he take the photos in Emma`s house ?

  18. Kitty says:

    I love these photos very very much!! Emma’s soo stunning!!!

  19. KS987 says:

    Well he sure took his time to release these pictures. It’s January 2012. 😛 But it was certainly worth the wait. Words can not describe how stunningly beautiful Emma is. I love the one where she used the pen as a mustache. 😛 Too cute.

  20. Valentina says:

    oh my my!

  21. siddharth says:

    I LoVe U eMMa watsOn ….U r d MosT BeAuTiFuL girL in d worLd….!!!!!!!

  22. poriawatson says:


  23. 216 says:

    I Love You Angel And I Always Will…

  24. Maria says:

    I like the first one.

  25. shubham indian fan says:

    so pretty .beautiful em

  26. bayram can says:

    çok hoş bir bayan her şey yakışıyor.