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About working on her People Tree collection (2010): "It was a really long process putting all this together. I had no idea all the work involved. You really have to start at the basics. Safia and I had an initial meeting and we went through and chose the fabrics we wanted to use. Then choosing the styles took a long time. Again a lot of inspiration came from my wardrobe and friends' wardrobes and I added my own style to it. Then going through the pantone books and choosing colours, but this don't necessarily look the same once you've dyed something. You learn these things as you go along. It's massively time consuming. We did a first set of samples and some looked good and some needed altering a lot."

‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’ Gets PG-13 Rating

Last month The Perks of Being a Wallflower received an R rating from the MPAA, for “teen drug and alcohol use, and some sexual references.” The film has now been granted a PG-13 rating after a successful appeal by Stephen Chbosky, director and author of the novel, and Erik Feig, president of production at Lionsgate Motion Picture Group.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an adaption of Stephen Chbosky’s popular novel of the same name, and stars Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Nina Dobrev, Ezra Miller, Paul Rudd and Mae Whitman. No release date has been set, but likely it will be late this year.

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23 Responses to “‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’ Gets PG-13 Rating”

  1. shane says:

    That’s awesome! It means more people get to watch the film. I’m excited for this and I’m reading the book right now!

  2. susangbhatt says:

    oh thats i try to find the book & read.

  3. susangbhatt says:

    oh thats good.i try to find & read.because it based on very important subject.

  4. wonder girl says:

    Very good for Emma she’s becoming more and more popular.

  5. Emily says:

    Emma Is So silly …but it is very smart and will do very well in the film industry

  6. Estelle says:

    Rated pg-13 or R I’m still old enough to see it. Lots of 80s movies has those drugs, sex, swear words but they were PG-13. Time has changed.

  7. Alexandra says:

    I just hope the Australian government doesn’t get up themselves and decides to up the rating. But I doubt it would go high enough for me not to be old enough to see it.

  8. Lisi says:

    The book is so good!! I really loved reading it!

  9. WillowofNarnia says:

    I’m sorry, but I think if it got an “R” rating than it should be left “R”. Ratings these days aren’t what they should be. :/

    • Joyce says:

      No, I see where you’re comming from, but during an appeal, what usually happens is that the movie is further edited to cut out or work around the offensive parts. Sometimes the R is released as a directors cut, and the PG13 seperate, but if they’ve accepted the PG13, that probably means the footage has been edited approprietley (:

      • WillowofNarnia says:

        Oh oh oh okay, now I see. I thought they just decided to change the rating and didn’t edit some of the stuff out. But now I understand, thank you. 🙂

        • dook says:

          I don’t believe anything was cut from the movie. If an appeal fails, that’s when they cut and submit it for rating again.

          • matt says:

            this, the first thing they do in an appeal is to simply make a case, not doing any cuts to see if they can convince a panel that the film deserves the rating. they don’t always cut scenes immediately when trying to appeal, otherwise all appeals would be successful(bully did not, and it refuses to compromise by cutting)

          • WillowofNarnia says:

            Oh okay…. Hmm… that’s interesting.

  10. KS987 says:

    Great to hear that they succeeded in their appeal. Chbosky’s goal was to make it so teenagers could see the film so it looks like he succeeded, even moreso if they didn’t have to edit the film to accomplish it as it would be the best scenario for both parties, And if they did have to then they could just also have the unedited version on DVD.

    Emma is now currently in LA getting ready to film Bling Ring. It’s unknown when filming offically starts though, but it should be prety soon.

  11. wonder girl says:

    Perfect again

  12. wonder girl says:

    Oh my God.still not updated

     ̄︿ ̄

  13. Anon says:

    Hopefully this movie does very well cuz sometimes movies like these don’t get good criticism. Also, I really hope the Bling Ring does really well cuz there was already a movie about it but on LMN, I also heard that she wasn’t the main character, she will have a small part like the one she had in My Week with Marylin.

    • Joyce says:

      Oh god no. Sam had quite a central role in the books, it’d kind of suck if they cut most of her out. I doubt that would happen though. Chbosky, who is the author produced the movie

      • dook says:

        Anon’s comment was about Emma’s role in Bling Ring, not Perks. And it’s probably correct. When Coppola describes it as an ensemble cast, that usually means there are no main characters among the lead roles. They are all sort of equal.