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About the HP movies (2007): "I would do Harry Potter for nothing. It's not really anything to do with money."

April Calendar Competition

The April calendar competition is now open!

  • The size of the calendar should be at least 1024×768. Higher resolutions are good. Widescreen is also allowed.
  • Calendars must be in a common graphics format such as jpg, tiff, gif or png.
  • It must have and April and it should have the dates. It should be mostly original work, and images used should be respectful of Emma’s privacy.
  • The deadline to submit calendars is March 28.
  • No more than 3 entries per person please. Please send entries to
Comments closed for this item.

7 Responses to “April Calendar Competition”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Do you mean March 28?

  2. wonder girl says:

    Calendar competition. Cool!

  3. WillowofNarnia says:

    Oooo yay, I might have to join this time. 😀

  4. Joyce says:

    Emma has dyed her hair brown.

  5. sarina says:

    hi dear emma.
    i missed you so much
    you are always best
    by love

  6. Rosemary says:

    Emma is nominated in the best movie actress category for Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Awards 2012. Dan Radcliffe is also up for best actor and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is up for best movie. I voted for these three already. Come on everyone, lets show support for our dear Emma, Dan, and the movie. The show airs March 31st in the U.S. Go to homepage and click on the button that says to vote. Goooo Emma 🙂