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About the Durmstrangs and the BeauxBatons (2005): "I think it's great to have the Durmstrangs and the BeauxBatons involved in this film, it brings a lot of colour. I think it's great for people to realise that Hogwarts isn't the only magical school, there's a lot of others."

Happy Birthday Emma!

Happy Birthday Emma!

from your fans at

Emma Watson celebrates her 22nd birthday today. Please join us in wishing her a very happy birthday. Our project is online in pdf format and can be downloaded by right-clicking on the thumb. Thank you to all who sent in your birthday wishes, and thank you to Ingrid for the cover art.



We also have a fun and upbeat video featuring clips and pictures of Emma through the years, thanks to Chiara and Jana.


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70 Responses to “Happy Birthday Emma!”

  1. sepid says:

    happy brithday my dear I love you with all of my heart

  2. Alexandra says:

    I LOVE the video guys! Well done! Amazing! I actually shed a tear, which I know sounds wierd, but the video make allusions to different parts of my childhood and memories and feelings have been brought back. Thank you so much!
    Also, Emma is just gorgeous as always πŸ™‚
    Happy Birthday Emma! Have a good one!
    Love from,
    Alex xx

  3. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Emma from your hugest fan{ i am dead serious when i say HUGEST fan}I hope you have a lovely time during your birthday.

  4. Dahoom says:


  5. Phillip says:

    Happy New Year to you Emma and many more years to come as well!!!!!!!! <3 Still a gorgeous young lady with a gorgeous smile!!!!!!! <3

  6. Ingrid says:

    WOW!! That video is soooo great, love it!!

    Happy Birthday Emma! <3

  7. Window says:


  8. Thessalie says:

    Woah Ingrid de cover art is amazing !

  9. LΓ©a says:

    Happy birthday Emma !!

  10. berlin says:

    The video is fantastic!!! Well done πŸ™‚

  11. Emma says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! <3

  12. Kitty says:

    Happy Birthday Emma!!! support you as always!! <3<3
    the cover art and the video are amazing!!

  13. Nasrin says:

    Happy Birthday Emma!!! Thanks for the video!!

  14. Josephina says:

    Happy Birthday Emma!!! Hope your having a great time ;).

  15. Amiebrock says:

    Happy Birthday Emma.I have Best wishes for you.

  16. Harika Nazli says:

    Happy birthday too you….

  17. Omkar says:

    Happy Birthday Emma !!! May god fulfill all ur wishes n dreams and you emerge as Biggest actress in d following years . . . . Enjoy ur B’day ” Love U alot ” .<3 . <3. <3 .!!! Once again Happy B'day :* <3

  18. fewas says:

    That Yoda cake… LOL πŸ˜€

  19. Julix says:

    Happy birthday Emma <3

  20. sajjad says:

    hello.mrs emma.
    i’m sajjad from qazvin,iran.
    happy birthday dear emma.
    you allways be in our heart and i don’t remember you forever.

    and this flower is yours.

  21. Agnès says:

    Happy Birthday Emma πŸ˜€ You’re an amazing actress ! Happy Birthday again for your 22 years (sorry if I write badly, I’m french ^^)

    xoxo AgnΓ¨s πŸ™‚

  22. G says:

    Happy Birthday Emma

  23. AndrΓ© Lopes says:

    Happy Birthday Emma! πŸ™‚
    Wish you the best as always <3

  24. Niko Kang says:

    Happy Birthday Emma! Love you forever.

    XOXO Niko

  25. akki says:

    hi Emma
    HAPPY birthday
    you r very beautiful
    i wish God always make u happy ☺

  26. akki says:

    dook great jod thanks for adding my art and comment .i really thankful to you ☺

  27. Niko Kang says:

    Emma emma Emma!!!!!!!Happy birthday! Love u forever
    Hope you have a fantastic day with your family and your friends !

  28. África says:

    Dear Emma, happy birthday! I hope you have a so awesome day with your family, friends, buddies and all the people that love you.

    You’re so amazing <3

  29. emlover says:

    Happy birthday Emma wish you all the best in your like you`re amazing young lady and we`ll always love you .

  30. Alin says:

    Lovely video and lovely project!

    Happy Birthday to her. She is an amazing woman. She has it all and she makes us all so happy.

    Cannot wait to see what this year and the next one bring her!

  31. Nicole says:

    Thanks for the video it was amazing,great job πŸ™‚ Happy Birthday Emma!!! Hope your having a great day πŸ™‚ XxX

  32. ema says:

    Happy b-day Emma!
    You’re em-mazing!
    Love you xx

  33. Wooly says:

    The covert art is amazing and the video is great, well done ! happy bday emma

  34. Romain says:

    Happy Bday Emma !!!
    I wish you all the best for your 22nd birthday ! You’re the best !!!
    Lots of love <3
    Your French fan,

  35. Luis says:

    Happy Birthday Emma! πŸ™‚
    I really hope you’re having a really good time πŸ˜€
    Covert Art & Video are wonderful guys, good job, as always! πŸ˜‰
    Many Hugs and my best wishes to you in this special day, Emma πŸ˜€

  36. Nishant says:

    Happy Birthday, Emma!!

    Love ya!!!!!

  37. Mya says:

    It was more than ten years ago when I first watched a Harry Potter film and I started reading the books.

    Now, I’m 22 years old I can only say that this fact changed my life forever. Many of my decisions, the degree I chose between them, have some connection with that story and its characters.To deny it would be foolish.

    That’s why I feel that, in some way, we have something in common, something that changed our lives: Harry Potter.

    Last year I was in London during the last HP premiere. I wasn’t beetween all the crowd but I had the chance to see you all in the big screen and to hear your speeches. For me, it was enough. Listening to you made me feel these last ten years were worth it.

    If I had had the chance to speak with you there’s only one thing I would have said: Thank you for playing my favourite character in such and amazing way and for making me be proud to be part of the HP generation.

    Now you won’t play this character again, I’m sure I’ll love your new roles in the future. For me, there’s no doubt: someday we’ll see you holding a bright golden statue πŸ˜‰

    I wish you a very happy birthday and good luck with your studies and your new films. Be yourself and never change.

    Best wishes from Spain!

    P.S: Maybe there are some spelling mistakes. Sorry πŸ™‚

  38. Anonymous says:

    Hpy B’Day eMMa…
    I <3 U

  39. Sebastian says:

    Happy Birthday Emma, I hope to see you again soon.

  40. Michelle says:

    Happy 22nd Birthday, Emma! My goodness, I cannot believe you’re 22 already. Best wishes to you and to your future!!

  41. Jia says:

    Happy Birthday to Emma! <3
    yaaayy…My message features on the very first page! lol πŸ˜€
    I really appreciate the effort of team… thanks guys! πŸ™‚

  42. tomson says:

    happy birthday to you

  43. montzy says:

    I’m crying righ now :’D

  44. xaniata says:

    Happy birthday, Emma!

  45. Andrew says:

    Happy birthday miss Emma Watson. I hope that all of your dreams and goals will come to pass and that you continue to have a prosperous and fulilled life. I wish you all the best.

    Your number 1 fan.

  46. KS987 says:

    Happy Birthday to the most beautiful woman in the world inside and out, Emma Watson. It’s amazing how she’s only 22 yet has done so much and has come so far in her life. Emma, I hope you have the best birthday yet and wish you the best of luck in the years to come. I love you and always will.

  47. Estelle says:

    Happy Birthday Emma I love so much you have no idea. Thank you for staying true to yourself no one can take you down because we love you and you know who you are. Happy 22nd.

  48. REDM says:

    happy birthday em i pray to GOD that HE give a long life to U , its my real feeling thats also i don’t know ,i just known is….

  49. Erin says:

    Happy birthdy, Emma! You are the most gorgeous girl alive. You are my hero and role model, and the same goes for thousands of other young people. It’s hard to believe you are 22 already! I remember being five and watching you, thinking, “I want to be just like her.” you’ve been my hero since, and I cant wait to see your future works. <3

  50. REDM says:

    happy birthday em i pray to GOD that HE give a long life to U