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About whether or not Ron and Hermione are going to end up together: "Oh dear God, I hope so, they'd better! I hope so, 7th book, any way we can tell but I hope so."

May 2012 Calendar


Congratulations to Ingrid, winner of the May Calendar Competition!



Honorable mentions to Charlotte, Mika, Viktória and Jia. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted.




All the competition entries can be viewed here.

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8 Responses to “May 2012 Calendar”

  1. Thessalie says:

    No mention for Charlotte #19 ? Oh too bad…

    Hover I love the winning calendars, congrats you all !!! 😀

  2. Please write about the Harry Potter cast’s nomination in MTV Movie Awards 2012 & tell people to vote for them so they can win! 🙂 The voting opened today!

  3. Jia says:

    Congrats to the winner and all the HMs.. great work!
    and thanks for voting mine 🙂

  4. Ingrid says:

    WOW I won?!?!? Thank you so much!! 🙂 And congrats to all the honorable mentions, and ALL calendars in fact- great job all of you, especially loved vikis! thanks again! 🙂

  5. Andrew says:

    Congratulations to the winner and the honorable mentions. All the calendars look great. And two of them which I voted for got the honorable mention. Yay.!!

  6. HELEN says:

    I only voted for Ingrid’s calendar, as it was the only AMAZING one for me. BEAUTIFUL. I will print it and use it.

  7. Nicole says:

    Congrats to the winner and all the honorable mentions, I can see one I voted for got an honorable mention! Yay! All the calenders look fabulous!! 🙂

  8. Micaela. says:

    Congrats Ingrid! It’s lovely your calendar!