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About fame (2007): "When the first film was released, someone asked me to sign a book and I remember thinking "How weird - why on earth would anyone want my name in the front of a book?". The second and third film were when it really started to go wild. By the fourth it was mad."

Have a Suggestion for Emma’s Official Site?

This isn’t news, but I though I’d draw your attention to a post on the forum. Jo, from Emma Watson Official, is asking for suggestions for Emma’s site, or questions you would like to ask Emma. Please read and respond to the post on the forum. Jo will be meeting with Emma on Wednesday, so be quick.

Comments closed for this item.

18 Responses to “Have a Suggestion for Emma’s Official Site?”

  1. Amir-Brock says:

    please change video week.

  2. Phillip says:

    A tagboard with no rules.

  3. Luis says:

    One vital suggestion: try to keep the site regularly updated. Sometimes we have to wait months to read there already published news… 😐
    Great you will be meeting Emma again, I don’t have any special questions to ask her, just embrace Emma with lots of tender, affection & love. I really wish her happiness and success πŸ˜‰
    I’m not registered in the forum (yet), that’s why I’m posting here my advice and wishes.
    Thanks for being always there Jo, and also you dook πŸ™‚

  4. Andrew says:

    This is great news. But I don’t really care much about this. Thus, I wanted to wish people good luck who are doing this. πŸ™‚

  5. akki says:

    hi emma i have one sugestion please give download option at the time of slide show of emma images becouse emma images r so good and ijust want to save the image but the image r locked.

  6. Tiki says:

    Hi Emma,

    Maybe a place where you can clear up any misquoted quotes of yours. How about something fans can send you via video.



  7. Tiki says:

    Opps forget the P.S part

    Can’t wait for perks =)

  8. susangbhatt says:

    for my point of view.present features r also good,but ur choice is always acceptable.

  9. susangbhatt says:

    As per my point of view present site is also good,ur choice is always acceptable.

  10. Sheila says:

    Well I really missed the birthday video message. I was looking for it and was really disappointed that nothing came up. Regular video messages would be cool as well.

  11. krutik says:

    One and only suggestion please try to keep the site regularly updated. Sometimes we have to wait months to read the news already published…if possible pls, jo just give Emma with lots of tender, affection & love. I really wish
    her happiness and success in her whole life

  12. ducky says:

    I would like to know what Emma’s favourite fan story is. Like something a fan did that made her really happy- made her day. Give her our love, as always! (:

  13. KS987 says:

    Jo has met with Emma and Jo has mentioned the updates will be occuring over the next months, so we should keep an eye on EWO. :).

    It’s always nice hearing from Jo, especially since her visits are more rare in recent years. I hope all is well with her and her family and wish her good luck.

    I can’t wait to see the new updates and see what questions Emma has answered. And I’ll try to think of ideas for future updates to suggest. πŸ™‚

  14. Nicole says:

    Just sent in a few suggestions for the site and a few questions for Emma πŸ™‚ hopefully they get asked!! πŸ™‚

  15. Maria says:

    Did you get my question Jo, for Emma Watson? I did post one but i didn’t hear back about it.