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About Hermione (2005): "It feels sometimes I don't really have to act anymore, as I'm so close to her and know her so well. And there's so much of me in her, and her in me that, it feels I'm barely doing anything sometimes. So, I think it's been wonderful and I'm very fond of Hermione's character and I think that she's turned into someone that a lot of people can identify with and I think she's a great role model."

Emma Takes to Facebook!

We reported earlier that Jo, from Emma Watson Official, is asking for suggestions for Emma’s site, or questions you would like to ask Emma. Today, Emma wrote a lovely little post on her Facebook. She posted,“I think when you take away all the premieres and press stuff and all the special effects, then you just come down to the fact that it’s all about acting, and I think that has been the best bit for me.” There were many requests for Emma to post more, and this may just be a sign that more is on it’s way!

Emma also included this picture:

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5 Responses to “Emma Takes to Facebook!”

  1. Andrew says:

    What a lovely post on facebook. I believe that Emma does her best trying to answer the questions honestly and with the truth for her fans. And I also love the photo that she added on facebook. 🙂

  2. Joyce says:

    It may be immature, and completely inarticulate of me to write this, but…
    YAYAYAYAYA! I hope she posts more, and I honestly can’t wait to see the website slowly updated ♥

  3. Jonny Carinthia says:

    “New” message from Emma on her FB-page. But it’s really amazing! Take a picture, at least four years old, and a quote, given years ago, and if you are Emma Watson, you get 29.000 likes and 1.600 comments (as per now). Oh Emma, are there no actual events in your life? But, neverthless, high expectations for “Perks” and “Bling”. Have a nice day, Emma!

  4. Nicole says:

    Emma’s post on Facebook is completely true. You have to remember behind all the promotion,press and special effects it really all comes down to the acting. Emma is living her dream and I couldn’t be any happier for her 🙂 it just shows that Hermione really was her childhood by adding that photo. 🙂 Hopefully we’ll get more posts like this off Emma soon. 🙂

  5. KS987 says:

    Emma seems to be posting a lot more frequently recently. 🙂 I wonder if these are responses to some of the questions that were asked or if she is just posting her thoughts looking back on Harry Potter. It was just last year that it all ended, and I imagine that it’s extremely bittersweet for Emma and she will always look back and feel nostalgic for the days when she was Hermione Granger, as it was what changed her life forever. Lovely post by Emma and I hope we hear even more from her in the future. 🙂