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Perks of Being a Wallflower Teaser

MTV released a teeny teaser for the upcoming release of the Perks of Being a Wallflower on Sunday. Emma also tweeted a link. Watch here and listen to Emma’s lovely American accent!

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34 Responses to “Perks of Being a Wallflower Teaser”

  1. Emily says:

    She did well! I thought nothing of her accent! 🙂 The clip is cute! Looking forward to seeing the entire trailer & of course, seeing the film. 🙂

  2. Anon says:

    Eww! I hate her American accent!!! She really needs to work on it, she sounds soooo weird!!!! I think this movie isn’t going to do well cuz of her “accent” 🙁 nd I really was looking forward to it.

  3. Andrew says:

    It seems that Emma did great in playing her part in the movie. And I thought that her accent went pretty well. I don’t think I saw any difference whatsoever. I will buy this movie on DVD when it comes out in stores once I get the chance. 😀

  4. Joyce says:

    50/50 on the accent. It sounds like it has the potential to get kind of annoying after a while. Then again: I’ve heard much worse.

  5. Luis says:

    I, like Andrew, didn’t appreciate any difference on her accent. I think she did it really good 🙂
    Can someone please write down what she & he says? lol … didn’t get it at all… still learning 😛
    Thanks in advance! 😉

  6. Kristine says:

    I hope that in the rest of the movie, her american accent is better. The word “love” sounded really strange.

    • Jonny Carinthia says:

      Yeah, I think, this could be a problem in the future. Because, her ENGLISH accent is a so important part of her personality. She is a british girl, and I personally hate the idea, that she will change into a american girl for better business or so… (Please do not misunderstand me: american girl’s are great, but only if they are a original…..)

  7. Nicole says:

    Here’s the link for the UK fans like me who were unable to view the teaser here. — I for one adore her American accent, I think she did a fantastic job and the clip is really sweet!! 🙂

  8. Harald says:

    American English isn’t an accent, it’s a kind of throat illness… English is British English.

  9. Susang bhatt says:

    I think emma did well.if somthing is wrong than emma quickly notice that and done better next time.after all she is a harmione granger a good learner.

  10. Arthur says:

    A British actress’ personality comes a lot from their accent so it definitely is awkward listening to a obviously forced American accent. It will definitely capture more negative attention than good attention for the film. Still love Emma, but she should stick with her native tongue.

    • Jonny Carinthia says:

      You are soooo right.

    • Lawrence says:

      Vivian Leigh in GONE WITH THE WIND and Kate Winslet in TITANIC did a pretty believable job with American accents considering they’re both British.

  11. Jason says:

    Much ado about nothing. Many British actors do perfectly acceptable American accents: Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, you name it. Many, many. And American child actors can do perfectly good English accents. Witness Chloe Moretz in Hugo. Perfect British accent. People didn’t even realize she was American. It can be done. Some of the negative reactions are exactly the reason Emma SHOULD be doing American accent parts. She has a DECADE of Hermione to get out of the public’s mind if she is going to go on to a multi-role career. She’s fine.

  12. Kassie says:

    It sounds forced, definitely. But, an American accent is new for Emma. She just needs to work more at it and she’ll be fine. It’s not something that will happen for her automatically, but she is an actress, she’ll get better at it! (:

  13. dook says:

    I don’t think people should base their opinion on a few seconds in a clip. This is also a very emotional moment in the film, and maybe that is what people are hearing when they think it is forced or strange.

  14. KS987 says:

    Thanks for posting this clip. I thought Emma did an excellent job with her American accent. It’s probably going to take some people some time to get used to it though since this is her first time using one and they are so used to her English accent. I can’t wait to see the full trailer now. 🙂

  15. Emma_4_Ever says:

    Talk to the cast and the author-writer-director on Facebook this Sunday, June 3 @ 8:30PM PT / 11:30PM ET, in a LIVE Q&A.

  16. Nicole says:

    If any UK fans have still not seen the teaser, here’s a working link — — the other video got removed by the user. I can’t stop watching it!! 🙂

  17. tatiana says:

    ya didnt care for the accent.

  18. Marie says:

    I think it has to do more with the fact that we’ve rarely heard her do an American accent. We associate her with her British accent so it’s hard for our brains to immediately go to “average American girl” now. However the more I listen to it the more realistic it sounds and I believe once the movie or a longer trailer comes out we’ll become more accustomed to it!

  19. Anon says:

    Ew! Her American accent doesnt seem so American!!!! I really hope this film does do well, bu I have a feeling that when the critics see it they will notice that she should stick to British roles, cuz some of her accent sounds to sterotypical white valley girl. She needed to sound more normal American with her accent.

    • Lawrence says:

      I don’t hear “Valley girl” at all and trust me I’ve heard a lot of them. She sounded like a typical American girl to me.

  20. Anon says:

    No she did not she has a werid vibe in my opinion cuz rematch the trailer and hear how she says love, it sounds as if she’s struggling with that one and I just hope she doesn’t make this film s bomber cuz of her accent.

  21. Hilary says:

    Louve lol

  22. Mithun says:

    Hi. Emma
    i like you & your movies