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About tabloids (2009):"I like having my privacy, but it's rather difficult at the moment. I never talk about my love life, and journalists grumble a lot about that. In a certain way, having people speculate is better. Nobody knows the truth, but they keep writing articles anyway: they have no credential. Audrey Hepburn always said: "I don't care what they write about me, as long as it's not true." Tabloids are ridiculous, and I tend to agree with her. But I can't really complain. Relatively speaking, I've been rather well-treated."

Emma Accepts Best Cast Award at MTV Movie Awards

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 won the MTV Movie Award for “Best Cast”. Emma Watson accepted the award on behalf of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and all the rest.

“Oh my goodness, thank you so much. Wow. I don’t think I will ever accept an award on behalf of so many people. From Ralph Fiennes to Helena Bonham Carter to Hedwig and Dobby and all of them, this is amazing. We had over 200 cast members and I wish they could all be up here with me now. Sadly. they can’t. Obviously I share this award in particular with Dan and Rupert. Wherever you are, I hope you’re watching, and I miss you both dearly. Just, thank you. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you.”




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17 Responses to “Emma Accepts Best Cast Award at MTV Movie Awards”

  1. susangbhatt says:

    happy to know hp 7 part 2 won mtv best cast award.which they always emma looks georgeous.

  2. Luis says:

    Lovely speech, the award serves them right 🙂
    HP had the best cast ever!!! 😀

  3. Kitty says:

    well said Emma!! And Harry Potter absolutely deserves it!!

  4. Cathe says:

    Lovely. (:

    Any ideas about the dress she’s wearing?

  5. Jonny Carinthia says:

    Something about Emma’s style … 🙂

  6. Amir-Brock says:

    I think her dress is good.but I can’t watch this movie from mtv.Because that is fitering. Happy to Emma.successful always…

  7. Isabelle says:

    wow does anyone else thinks emma has been working out????

  8. Nicole says:

    I’m very happy for Emma and all the HP cast that they won Best Cast for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 🙂 they fully deserved it. It’s a shame that Dan.Rupert or Tom couldn’t make it, but i’m sure Emma will of told them the fantastic new and they will be over the moon. Here’s a link for the UK fans to see Emma accept the award and her thank you speech. –

  9. 130671 says:

    Wow…I just love her muscle toning… 🙂

  10. KS987 says:

    I’m very happy to hear that Harry Potter did win a couple of awards, especially Best Cast. They deserve it as they all been apart of one of the biggest, most successful franchises in history and played their roles perfectly. Fantastic speech by Emma and I love how she mentioned Hedwig and Dobby as well. Congrats to Emma and the rest of the Harry Potter cast and crew. 🙂

  11. Miya says:

    I can’t view this video ,Emma recieving the award ,i can’t view this in my country ,Someone pleassssse upload it Pleaseeeeee pretty pleaseeeee?
    She loooooooks so cute & pretty & charming!!! <3 her!