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About wearing colours (2011): "I try to avoid wearing black because sometimes it's the easy option. But I'm young, so it's nice to be able to play with color and not just wear black all the time. I can save that for when I'm older."

Emma Watson to Answer Fan’s Questions

Exciting news! A post on Emma Watson’s Facebook page announced that she will be answering questions about her acting career. For those who would like to ask a question, go to Emma’s Official Facebook Page and post in the comments section of this announcement. All answers will be posted on her official page.

A picture was posted as well:

Comments closed for this item.

10 Responses to “Emma Watson to Answer Fan’s Questions”

  1. Andrew says:

    Great news indeed. But I don’t really care much about this. Nevertheless, I wanted to wish the fans good luck who will be doing this. 🙂

  2. Jonny Carinthia says:

    Delete all the creepy and bizzare questions, there might be a bunch of interesting questings, worth answering, Emma!
    Great idea, finally some kind of interaction with your fans!

  3. Olivia says:

    Hi Emma,

    1. Why did left to Brown University?
    2. How did learned acting?
    3. Why did yout cut your hair off?
    4. Why choose Oxford University?
    5. Before acting, how learned of Stagecoach and after acting, how did feeling?

  4. Nicole says:

    This is a fantastic idea! I’ve been waiting for something like this! Great way of interacting with us fans!!! 🙂

  5. Sacred_Path says:

    try as I might I always come up with questions that pertain more to herself than her acting 😉

  6. KS987 says:

    Emma has so far answered 3 questions(about Beauty and the Beast, producing and directing, and fair trade). I’m happy to see that Emma has been more active recently and is taking the time to answer some questions. I am also thankful to Jo for taking the time to filter through all of it(which is probably full of nonsense) to find good questions to send to Emma. Can’t wait to hear more answers in the future guys. 🙂

  7. Anna says:

    I’m so glad she’s becoming more active! I know that she likes to keep her life private, but I’m glad she is willing to let us in a little bit more now!

  8. zoha says:

    i like ur every thing ,tell mee about ur adventur ov harry potter series