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About doing pranks on set (2002): "It's normally not me, it's the boys. They cause all the trouble."

Twitter Update

You may have noticed a lack of activity on our twitter. Due to “technical problems” we haven’t been able to use it for a while. Ok, a long loonng while. I had pretty much given it up for lost, and was waiting for twitter to call it abandoned so we could reclaim it. With recent events, we just had to make one more big effort, and I’m happy to say our twitter is now back in action. We should be tweeting a little more regularly from now on.


Thank you for following us on twitter Emma.

I also want to thank all the new followers, and all the old followers who didn’t drop us even though we weren’t tweeting.

Comments closed for this item.

26 Responses to “Twitter Update”

  1. Jonny Carinthia says:

    Great work! Congrats to the team of

  2. EmmaFan says:

    I hope you don’t just reactived it because of Emma, but for all your Followers as well!

  3. EmmaFan says:

    btw Twitter will never deactivate your Account, you need to do it on your own, exept you are being rude/rassist etc, then you get suspended. There are People who haven’t tweeted since 2009. I think tweeting is enough with real News, since you have a own Life as well 🙂

    • dook says:

      Of course it’s not just because of Emma. I think Emma knows all the news about her before we do. She doesn’t need to hear it from us. The account wasn’t deactivated or suspended. We just couldn’t log in. If you want the embarrassing truth, we forgot the password. We also forgot the password for the email it was connected to (sometimes letting your browser save passwords for you is not a good thing). Try getting twitter to help you when you don’t know either of those. I’ve been trying for over a year to get back in. I could have just started a new twitter, but I didn’t want to lose the username, or the followers who were still loyal and hadn’t dropped us. I was planning to do that though this morning, but I woke up to a message that someone had suddenly remembered the password.

      • Luis says:

        I’m in a similar situation now; I just forgot the password of one of my accounts and I can’t believe it! It’s really frustrating… but well, I guess that’s something just happens to all of us, sometimes. It’s good to read you finally could log in thanks to the person who remembered the keyword! He/she deserves a gift for that! 🙂
        I’m not your twitter follower, however, I’ve been around for a while (6+ years, I believe) and I feel very proud of this site. Congrats dook! You honor your nick: you always DO OK here 😉

  4. Jia says:

    I’m so glad you’re back with a bang on twitter… 🙂
    Keep up the good work!

  5. Thessalie says:

    Nobody updates the site with the several answers of Emma ! It’s all on her fecebook.

    • dook says:

      Yes, they are all on her facebook. They are also on her website. I’m not sure why we should post them here too. If they are news about a project, or if she answered a question from us, then yes. Otherwise, well, it’s something Emma is doing for her fans. Why not read them on her sites.

  6. DznQueener FromdarkHorizon says:

    Yeah , emma really did follow this website’s staff on her twitter.Now let me ask you one thing:Anyone could reply to this post , likely i would like to hear Dook’s point of view.Does anyone find any particular reason on following emma on twitter , while talking 2 her almost everyday and taking back zero replies?Do you find it so intriguing to be doing this?How low can you fall on talking to walls for years now?!I do not consider it a fine idea , or rather could be so malevolent towards millions of fans.Probably millions of fans are so incredibly stupid that wait for an eternal answer from a person.Fancy that?So give only one reason on why i should be following @EmWatson on twitter.Do not tell me any trash , about getting updates from what she does.The sh1tty thing she does on twitter , giving no replies to fans , is itself arrogant , or if you would like to say it , how we call it in Greece: “Gaidouria”.

    Thx 4 ur attention.

    • dook says:

      I guess I’m going to tell you “trash”. I follow @EmWatson for the small updates on what she will be doing, the occasional tweet clearing up some silly rumor, the little personal insights when she talks about the media and paparazzi, a movie she enjoyed, or other things in her life.

      If you only follow Emma to ask her questions and expect a personal answer, then I guess there is no reason.

      By the way, she is answering fan questions on her facebook.

    • Jonny Carinthia says:

      What do you expect? That she answers each and every comment (stupid or not stupid)? Her last FB-entry has nearly 4000 replies – you really think she will write 4000 replies back ? The first thing you have to learn about Emma is the fact, that she never talks to fans via FB and Twitter personally. It’s simply not her style. There was a lot of discussion about that here at this forum, but we have to accept, that she see’s herself as a very private person with no deep interest to communicate personally to people, unknown to her. So following her on FB and Twitter is mainly to get her small messages, she send’s out. I know, it can be hard to realise that one’s will never meet her in person or never will have the opportunity to talk to her. But I think, we all have a life of our own, and Emma should be only a small part in it……

      • DznQueener FromdarkHorizon says:

        @Jonny Carinthia I will disagree.First of all , let me make it clear that personally i aint giving a single f**k about what she does on twitter.I do not care , neither do i have the time to be playing with such people.The above post i made , was done for two reasons: 1)I would like to hear the opinion from people who follow her , but with no actuall reason on it.As for the updates , i do not believe that twitter is the only place to get them. 2)Explain me , why people keep writing replies while they do know that they wont get one.This is unfortunately , stupidity or at the worst could be obsession w/ the current famous person.Of course she won’t write 4000 replies back , but you get the sense that millions of people get into the position of commenting thinking that “she” will read their comments.How funny!And here , let me tell you that her facebook page is not being administrated by her.

        @Dook Yes , yes even trash that’s one reason someone would follow.Btw , i know of that facebook “event”.But , as i mentioned before , twitter is not a place to be following on getting updated.Clearly my opinion.

        • Jonny Carinthia says:

          @dzn: First of all, 96% of the replies, she get’s, are usless, creepy, inapropriate or simply stupid. We had a discussion at the forum today about a threat I made, lining up all the “usless” replies…. What should Emma answer to marriage proposals, offers for sex (sorry) or to the many short “love letters” she gets? Everyone is always saying, she has no time for anything… We do not know this at all. We have to use a decent language here, so I will not tell you, where and when you can read messages in FB and Twitter during the day. I think, she has enough time to read the comments and I believe she is also sometimes on this page, but she will never “out” herself. For what reason? Talking to a bunch of people, she does not now? About which topics? Her breakfast, her last visit at the cinema or what? There is a big difference between the things, Emma want’s and we (the fans) want’s. From her point of view, it must be a very strange experience to know, that she can reach 8 million peoples (5 mio on fb and 3 mio on twitter) with a mouseclick. Don’t mention the rude comments, some “fans” leave on her fb-page, who can really frighten a young woman. So to think very carefully about the fakt, WHAT you post, is – from her point of view – understandable. Speaking for me, I follow her on both pages because I want to know about her movies and the events, she attends. Wanting more is simply usless and a waste of time, because I think, it’s easier to get in touch with pope Benedict then with Emma.
          And her FB-page: we all here know, that she is not doing FB herself for most of the time. Whe had also a discussion about this here, including her webmistress Jo, but in the end it is Emma’s decission, how she communicates with her fans (to be clear, I personally do not agress with the way, she does it, but of course have to accept it). Time will show, if this is enough to keep her fans on track. Hermione was yesterday and she starts a complete new life as a young actress. Right now she has a big fan family out of Harry Potter, but these fans will grow up in the end and will have their own life. At this point time will show, if her way was right……

      • SamMonkFan says:

        Why are you even making such a big deal of this? Emma is a very busy, very private person, and the reason for her Twitter and FB is not the same as us. She writes updates to keep us informed, but you can’t really expect her to write stuff like “Just took a shower, now time to eat dinner, and probably lie down for a quick nap. Threw up earlier.” I mean come on, do you REALLY need to know EVERY little detail of her life? No….She’s keeping her fans updated, but on important stuff, not her personal life. RESPECT EMMA’S PRIVACY. That’s a very big thing on this site, something I definitely think should be done. She’s a human being just like the rest of us. She doesn’t have the time to sit down and respond to every single comment. If you want some kind of reply from her, writ e a letter to her, you know, with a pen and paper, and an envelope, with a stamp? Remember those? and wait a few months. You won’t get an actual handwritten letter, personally signed photo but you will get something. And I’m sure she reads the comments people write, I have, and some of them can be a bit weird, like “you marry I make great husband for you” Stuff like that. I’m sure she doesn’t like reading that, or the ones that tell her she doesn’t look good with short hair.

        • Joyce says:

          You literally just wrote everything I was about to reply with. Emma has a life. So, like most people, she’s not going to want to spend it replying to a bunch of people who want to marry her, though they barely know her, insults, and star-struck, barely coherent comments.
          I think, if you want to meet her in person, or contact her [though, jugding by what I just read, I sincerely hope you don’t], look up what public appearances she has scheduled for the next couple of months and try to be there, or send her a letter. If it’s spectacular enough, the people who go through her fanmail at WB might forward it to her – she does read someo of them.

  7. Bianca87 says:

    So… don’t follow her then. No one has a gun to your head. I follow her for a bit of an insight into her day to day, film/ trailer updates and just because I’m a fan. I have no problem with her not getting back to fans because 1) She would clearly receive too many messages and doesn’t have time to reply to them all 2) she is pretty private 3) you see all the time that she gets a lot of stuff from weirdos, which I don’t blame her for wanting to ignore 4) often when celebs on twitter do interactive with their fans it can come across as quite egotistical I think. Like if she replied every time someone sent her a tweet saying she was beautiful or flawless etc etc that would seem egotistical to me and like she was buying into her own hype. She does often send sweeping thank you tweets for bday messages and after the MTV awards.

    Your second question is fair enough, but then apply the same logic to what you are doing: why are you having a tantrum on a fan page when you know it’s not going to lead to an outcome. You ranting isn’t going to change the way Emma tweets.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I love following Emma on twitter. It’s brilliant for finding out what she’s up to, film updates, etc. I agree with Bianca, if Emma not tweeting fans is a problem for you, don’t follow her in the first place. Emma is very busy, and she has a hectic schedule. She doesn’t have time to tweet loads of fans, which is why when she wants to communicate with us, she puts out a big thankyou tweet about her birthday messages or something else, in one tweet.

  9. Kristen says:

    Dooks! Thanks for doing the twitter! It will be fun having that as a place for quickie updates! 🙂 Some actors like Emma and Bonnie (Wright) just use twitter, FB, etc as a means for communication/updates on things. They certainly are not obligated or should feel obligated to reply to people. Plus they would have to respond to ALOT of people!! 😉 anyway, again, thanks dooks!!! 🙂

  10. KS987 says:

    I bet you guys were extremely excited whem Emma followed you. Sure it’s not the first time she’s given a shout out to, but still. Even though it will probably never happen, I would probably have a heart attack if Emma followed me on twitter. 😛 It’s a good thing you managed to get your account working just in time.

  11. Conner says:

    Please can you dan and rupurt please do your own single together. I think you will be so good at so if you do I will watch it everyday and buy your album with you three on there and let you know how good you are for every song you do good luck it would be special to me if you do it.

  12. Conner says:

    Please can you do the music video some where posh and amasing.

  13. Conner says:

    and have it where it is nice and hot like las vagas or manchester I do not mind what you three pick where to do theusic video I hope it’s really good.

  14. Conner says:

    Have a lovely day and night Emma.

    Please grow your hair longer again please.

  15. Conner says:

    Good night Emma need to go I’m watching eastenders at 7.30 pm till 8.clock on BBC one Monday and Friday starts at 8.clock but it is not on Wednesday some times it is I love it a lot hope you will watch it now.

  16. Sandro dos Santos says:

    I know Emma Watson since I saw a Harry Potter movie , and i think that Emma is very pretty!

    I’d like to be your friend…

    Your fan

  17. sepid says:

    hi every one.where is emma these days?