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Emma on Movie Rumours

Emma talked to Entertainment Weekly about the recent rumours she was in talks for 50 Shades of Grey. The short version? It’s nonsense. Same with last years The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

“I haven’t read the book, I haven’t a read a script, nothing. There are so many movies you become attached to when I’ve literally never even received a phone call. It was the same way with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo – I never even saw a script!”

Emma’s reps previously stated there was no truth to it, but that didn’t stop the rumour from growing. Even family and friends asked her about it after reading so many reports. “I told them just because there are 60 articles on the Internet doesn’t mean it’s any less true than if there are three or four.”

There you have it. Straight from Emma. Do you think this will finally stop the rumours?

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15 Responses to “Emma on Movie Rumours”

  1. Ahmed says:

    I think it will stop the rumours. But will be other new rumours. Its rumours time!

  2. HELEN says:

    I freakin’ hope so.

  3. Jonny Carinthia says:

    Yes, but why need she three or more weeks for her statement?

  4. Ann says:

    oh no, Emma, please DON’T do 50 shades of grey even you have the script or the phone call whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!! this book or soon-be-film will destroy those actors and actresses.

  5. HermioneP. says:

    @ Ann.

    Calm down. Have you read the text? Emma neither read the script, nor received a call.

  6. Jay says:

    Yeah, I doubted Emma would bother with Fifty Shades of Grey. She clearly wants to be a serious actress, and that is a much scoffed at novel – the film will be much the same. She wouldn’t do it.

    Has anyone got a higher res scan of the article/interview with Emma in the Olympic magazine? It’s titled ‘from Pitch to Screen’ and I’d really like to read it, but the res quality is so low that I can’t see the font.

    Thats the small version, why is it so small?!

  7. rendy says:

    I become fan to you…after you finishing harry potter movie..I love your act..awesome..I come from indonesian..

  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s good to know that she won’t do the film. I don’t think she would have anyway because the female role has to be confident in her sexiness and Emma can be very akward at times and plus she isn’t American, so u would want someone with an American accent to do the film. NOT HATING, JUST STATING A FACT and OPINION.

  9. Amy says:

    “Do you think this will finally stop the rumours?” No, haha. Ohh… rumors are so funny 🙂 I hate it when it makes ppl get mad at Emma though, rumors aren’t her fault.

  10. Kristen says:

    Go Emma 🙂 I didnt think those rumors were true-I had to convince my friends it wasnt and now they owe me lunch 😉 dont make bets based off stuff from the net hehe…as it says above-all nonsense 😉 🙂

  11. Nicole says:

    I hope this stops the rumours!!

  12. :P says:

    i hope people stop this none sense!

  13. Kristen says:

    I look at that new State Farm ad and the girl who says “it’s on the internet, so it is true…then shows the “French model guy” she meets online Lol…thats how I feel about any info on the net these days.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I really hope so

  15. Anonymous says:

    The U.S. release of ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ is being move to September 21, 2012.