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About the action scenes being choregraphed (2007): "I just had quite a lot of fun working with the movement coach (he's actually a choreographer) for the last scene when we fight the Death Eaters. He's incorporating some choreography into the movements, the fighting, the action sequences. It's actually really interesting and was really good fun. The fight scenes between Voldemort and Dumbledore, watch out for that. It should be really, really good. "

More Perks Interviews

While we’re waiting for the LA Premiere, here are a few more interviews with Emma Watson to check out.

First we have an interview by Anglophenia at the press junket at TIFF.

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Backstage interviewed Emma, Stephen Chbosky, Mae Whitman, Logan Lerman, Nina Dobrev and Ezra Miller at the Perks premiere afterparty.

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Ryan Seacrest spoke with Emma and Nina Dobrev by phone as they flew to LA for the premiere.

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14 Responses to “More Perks Interviews”

  1. Chris says:

    And thanks to Ryan Seacrest the internet has started buzzing AGAIN with Emma and casting rumors for 50.

    • sparkvark111 says:

      Kidding or not, she has never said that she was not doing it. So, until the cast is signed, the rumors will continue…unfortunately. ๐Ÿ˜•

  2. Rosita says:

    Love all these interviews and behind-the-scenes! Excited to see it! Thanks for posting! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Tia says:

    I love love love all of these!

  4. silver price says:

    u guys seriously nina dobrevโ€™s head is already big. just trust. she does not need yโ€™alls compliments. she is vain enough as it is. pls read her interviews. she is so self-centered and deluded.

    • Jay says:

      This is incredibly rude and subjective – some people ascertain the same conclusion from Emma’s interviews, yet none of us here think about her in that way at all (I personally never have, and I’ve watched all her interviews). I don’t follow Nina closely, but have seen some of her performances. She is on par with Emma, definitely. Given that both girls are actresses by trade, and despite other side projects, state that they are actresses first and foremost, I believe the only means by which to judge them, as it were, is by their acting.

      BTW, Emma says she hates it when people put other women down, and since she is friends with Nina, she would definitely disagree with you.

  5. susang bhatt says:

    nice interviews & Behind The Scene. i looking forward 4 movie. i get feeling that Emma gets another hit movie pretty soon.

    • sparkvark111 says:

      This movie is going to do very well, I think, based on the overwhelmingly positive reactions to the film. People may see this more than once. ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Nicole says:

    Really liked that last interview, very different doing it via phone!!

  7. 4ever says:

    Why do you guys think that Emma doesn’t follow Nina on twitter? Because she did a few weeks ago…

    • Sushi says:

      And she just started following Johnny on twitter too,wink wink

    • sparkvark111 says:

      I am not sure, but Emma has followed/un-followed Nina more than once. She seemed to limit her follows to working relationship, or people that need exposure, and some personal interest.

  8. 4ever says:

    She doen’t follow Paris Hilton neither. But with Nina is different, I mean they seem to be friends.

  9. KS987 says:

    I think Emma will be very happy to hear that pretty much everyone saw her as Sam and her portrayal as vastly different from Hermione. What’s amazing is that it’s just barely over a year since DH2 came out and already she’s shedding that image in many people’s eyes. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And it still boggles me how Emma and Nina joking about Fifty Shades of Grey turns into Emma officially being in talks or even cast in the role. Then again they managed to turn a twitter joke into a bullying rumor, so nothing surprises me anymore.