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About hiding from some fans (2007): "Yes, I do get stopped and sometimes it may be difficult to deal with, but I would much prefer to pay that price than not have any freedom. It's normally just tourists who shout "Hermione!" and chase after me. I have been in town with friends and been chased down the street and have had to hide in shops. Dixons is my favourite hiding place. I shouldn't be telling you this because it won't be my hiding place any more, but I go and hide behind the computers because that is the last place they expect you to be."

Sunday Times Talks with Emma

Just as the Perks publicity machine was gearing up, Emma Watson was interviewed for the Sunday Times and spoke of Perks, her current work on Noah, the future Beauty. She also spoke rather openly about the downsides of fame. When we watch her on Letterman, or Fallon, or the many press junket interviews, we don’t really see the vulnerable, shy, very private person behind that public persona.

Credit for the scans to LilyClair1

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8 Responses to “Sunday Times Talks with Emma”

  1. Nicole says:

    Sounds so Rita Skeeter-like, ‘expressive face currently registers augish’, ‘tears fill her brown eyes’.

  2. chris says:

    Quite possibly the most real and honest interview I think Emma has ever given. My heart truly goes out to her because she lives a life none of us can imagine, and the pressure she has been under for most of her life did catch up to her. I don’t think she meant to tell so much but it truly shows a side of her that I think could be theraputic for her, to finally be able to get it off her chest. She’s not flawless, a robot, or perfect, but a human beign that’s trying to figure out life like the rest of us.

  3. John says:

    Definitely one of the best interviews with her ever. Very revealing that she got to a point at Brown where she was just burned out. Glad she got through it.

  4. Joyce says:

    No, I didn’t like this. I’m sorry. Emma is put across as such a victim here. While I understand that it’s hard for her, and I do feel sorry for her at times, the way this is written just sounds a little too whinny and exaggurated.

  5. Sacred_Path says:

    She really worries about her public image a lot… but that just makes her lovable 🙂

  6. Kristen says:

    I cant imagine what it must be like to be in her shoes. I just cant. This article didnt come across as her being a victim either. This girl is just a very emotional person who has to deal with alot and has had to deal with alot in her young life. I think we forget at times that she is only 22. She has experienced so much since age 11. I mean that’s 11 years. I have not experienced half as much as Emma has and I am quite older. I think this goes to show that in my country (USA), that MANY celebrities WANT the publicity and will pull stupid crap to get attention. Emma just wants to walk down a street and head to the art store and bam there are pics of her by the paps in her face.
    As for Brown, I tell you to this day I dont know how the hell she managed her time promoting HP and going to school. Clearly she was burned out. I mean I was working just part time on weekends while going to college and I know my grades were not even where near Emma’s grades! LOL I was feeling burned out already myself by junior year! I think Emma has a resilience that alot of people don’t see. She never complains or whines about anything. She takes it all in stride.
    The funny thing is one has to question how much truth there is to written interviews vs. camera interviews-like what do the interviewers/jounralists publish-do they make up stuff? Who knows-most likely yes but again who knows. I think that this article (again how true some quotes are or comments are) really shows a side to Emma that does make her that much more lovable and draws people to her. She is only human, who does make mistakes. We ALL do. Anyone who puts her on a pedestal would be wrong.
    I will say this-have said it for years-she is the type of role model I want for my young nieces. She is caring, loving, kind, generous, and HUMAN.
    Thanks for posting this article!! Emma just know we all love ya lots and look forward to all future projects!

  7. Bradley says:

    Emma, if you read this … sympathy and respect, my dear, sympathy and respect. I’d have probably hit the booze or drugs if I had to put up with even a fraction of your stress and pressure. Congratulations on your success as a PERSON. Stay strong and please know that people (even ones who have never met you) wish you well.

  8. KS987 says:

    This was one of the best interviews I’ve read. I remember someone posting a link to the fake biography of her and thinking “What the **** is this?”. I can’t believe that someone would write a fake biography of someone they’ve never met based probably on only information she’s already mentioned publically and false rumors that have been spread throughout the years. I know the author wrote it to simply make easy money off it, but why would anyone believe it? Emma is a very private person and I highly doubt she will release a biography anytime soon, but even if she did she would have publically announced it. This, along with all the false stories and exaggerated/twisted quotes from tabloids and articles so how much of a joke the media can be a good portion of the time. I remember they kept saying that Emma cut her hair to change her image and even to audition for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The fact is she simply wanted her hair cut short, and if there was any inspiration for it, it was the fact that her mother has short hair. It just gets ridiculous sometimes.

    I can’t even imagine how stressful and difficult it was to try and work out both school and work at the same time while also finding time to spend with her family and friends. When she took the rest of her second year off I instantly believed that it had to do with the fact that her schedules clashed during the first half of that year(she filmed MWWM and promoted DH1 for two weeks, then went back to Brown and did make-up work while preparing for finals, then after that was over had to do reshoots for the epilogue scene). I am always amazed at how dedicated she is to everything she does and how she tries to tackle so much even at once. It’s good that she’s trying to find ways to spread everything out more. I want her to succeed and accomplish everything she wants, but I also want her to be able to rest, relax, and get to spend time with her loved ones and have fun as well. Hopefully after she gets her degree and in the ocming future things will be easier to deal with.