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About handling interviews on her own (2007): "I prefer to feel like I'm handling the questions myself. Let's spice it up a bit! Let's get a couple of difficult ones. I'm quite happy to answer them (pauses). You're going to ask me some bitch of a question, you really are! Bad idea. I should never have said that."

Emma and Perks Nominated for People’s Choice Awards

Emma Watson has been nominated for “Favorite Dramatic Movie Actress” in the 2013 People’s Choice Awards for her role in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The film is nominated in the “Favorite Dramatic Movie” category. Emma has left Hermione behind, but fans still remember, and they are nominated for “Favorite Movie Fan Following”.

You can vote here. The awards will be broadcast on CBS, January 9, 2013.



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21 Responses to “Emma and Perks Nominated for People’s Choice Awards”

  1. Maria says:

    Do I look like a bad Potterhead when I will vote for Meryl at dramtatic Movie Actress? I can vote for Emma too, but my Vote is going to Meryl at this

  2. Sacred_Path says:

    I voted for her and Perks/ Potter. But I agree, going up against Meryl Streep is some tough competition πŸ˜‰

  3. Jia says:

    I dont think Emma’s left Hermione behind. Her last couple of tweets are Potter related! πŸ™‚

    • dook says:

      I’m sure Harry Potter will always be part of her, and Hermione will be in her heart, but there’s no more filming, no more promotion to be done.

      • Kristen says:

        SO true…Hermione will always be a part of her πŸ™‚ I loved her as Sam and cant wait to see Emma next up in Bling Ring…this is why I love Emma so much because we are seeing her in different roles which are different from Hermione (whom will always will be my favorite role wont lie about that)….but Emma is an actress, a SUPERB, TALENTED actress that we will get to see on our screens as different people in the future!! GO EMMA!! πŸ™‚

  4. Pranav says:

    I will give my vote to Emma Watson(Sam).

  5. Andrew says:

    I really hope that Emma will get the award, she deserves it. <3 Emma will always be my Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter movies, no matter what. πŸ˜€

  6. heini says:

    Emma definitely deserves the award. I voted for her The Perks

  7. Andrew says:

    Sorry for the double comment, but I just voted now for Perks of Being a Wallflower movie. I really hope she gets the award.

  8. shane says:

    I have already voted for those three categories. : )

  9. Susang bhatt says:

    Surely i vote for her & for movie also

  10. JT says:

    come on potterheads lets rock it.

  11. Summer says:

    too bad Ezra and Logan aren’t nominated πŸ™

  12. praveen says:

    my vote only for EMMA WATSON…………… Love you

  13. ondo says:

    just voted emma πŸ˜€
    and TVD, can’t help it πŸ˜€

  14. Kristen says:

    Voted For Emma…Perks, HP following of course!!!! πŸ˜‰

  15. KS987 says:

    Voted. Hopefully Emma wins. :). It’s about time we see her win more awards again, don’t you think?