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Two New Lancôme Photos

Two new photos of Emma Watson for Lancôme have come out.


from Clin d’oeil Magazine (@Mag_clindoeil) and @maiksy

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12 Responses to “Two New Lancôme Photos”

  1. sepid says:

    she’s really look great

  2. Sacred_Path says:

    well **** me

  3. Jaana says:

    She looks absolutely stunning in the second photo! *__* So beautiful! <3

  4. shane says:

    She looks amazing… ; )

  5. Ingrid says:

    Is it just me or does she look somewhat weird in the second photo? Not weird but, different somehow. Almost like the picture was edited, like her eyes look closer set than usual, and the mouth looks like it’s lower set.

    I don’t know, it could just be me 😛

  6. Susang bhatt says:

    Simply outstanding

  7. Kasey says:

    Yes, she does look weird on the second one!

  8. Amy says:

    I like the second photo a lot actually, very nice!

  9. JT says:

    so beautiful it`s great that she`s working with Lancome again

  10. Nicole says:

    The second photo is absolutely stunning!!

  11. KS987 says:

    Okay, now that I’ve come to, I can finally say that Emma is one stunningly gorgeous lady!!! 😀 It’s great to see that she is working with Lancome again. Did she sign a new contract with them or is this a part of her original one?

  12. Anonymous says:

    beautiful, as always