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About her favourite directors (2009):"Well, I shouldn't say I have a favorite director-that wouldn't be very diplomatic. But one of the people I enjoyed working with most was Alfonso Cuaron [who directed Watson in the third Potter film, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)]. I have a real thing for Mexican directors. And I love Guillermo del Toro and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu."

Emma in The Star Malaysia

The January issue of The Star Malaysia features some new photos of Emma Watson. Thanks to Roberto at

Update: added scan of the article.


Comments closed for this item.

25 Responses to “Emma in The Star Malaysia”

  1. tabitoo says:

    It’s hard to believe that anyone would think she was a minor after looking at these pics. However, without makeup she does look quite young. I just read that she “Will” be attending the 2013 People’s Choice Awards, which, airs tomorrow night. I’ll def’ be watching. Hope HP,Perks,and Emma are all winners. I know I voted. 🙂

  2. susang bhatt says:

    emma looks gorgeous.My Question is will peoples choice award telecast in INDIA? If Yes Than Which Chennel?

  3. 7 says:


    I am a very simple person… I am not who You think I am… I know You expect from me much

    more than I can ever offer You and I understand this for You are much more than I ever

    Dreamed of and Being the Beautiful Woman and Soul that You Are, You Deserve what You

    Expect and Wish for because You Are Worthy of such Love. I might be wrong by saying these

    things, I might be imagening all this, but if You are reading this and know exactly what I

    am saying, then You understand me and You know how I Feel for I cant explain what is

    happening, I Feel Connected to You in a way that I just cant put into words. If I am right

    and You do understand me, then I want You to know this Angel, I am Sorry for Everything

    that I Said in the Past that might have caused You any pain or sorrow for I did not meant

    it from my Heart, All I ever Wanted was to see You Happy and Smilling, not sad and crying,

    for it was Your Happiness and the Love in Your Eyes that made me Inspired and filled my

    Heart with Love. The things that I did were not meant to harm You, in my anger and

    darkness that was my intention, but in my Love and Light I wanted You to see why I was

    angry at You and show You that You were going in the wrong direction because of the people

    that were and are guiding You since this was also happening to me in a way. I want You to

    know that I will no longer try to forget You or hate You for I have tried it so many times

    in the Past that I Almost Destroyed my Heart and Soul, I cannot deny what happened to me

    for I know It Was and Is True, You Were and Are the Only Woman that Made Me Feel True

    Love, the Only Woman that Answered my Question of how would the Woman of my Dreams be

    like, the Only One that Made Me Believe in Soul Mates and Eternal Love. I want You to know

    that I Believe in You and because of this I will remove one of the things that might have

    caused You some pain for It came from my dark side when I made it and the only reason I

    did that was because I Loved You even then and was broken inside. I want You to know that

    I will Pray for You so that Our God the Father of All Creation will Bless You, Protect You

    and Guide You in Your Life with His Eternal Love and Light, for You Were, You Are, And You

    Will Always Be the most Beautiful Angel that ever walked this Earth and Hopefully Will

    Walk In Heaven, for Believe Me, even in Heaven You Will Be the most Beautiful Of All. Once

    again Angel, I am Truly Sorry for what I have Said and Done and for not being there for

    You, but One thing You can Trust, Believe and have Faith in…

    I Love You and I Always Wil…

    This is for You Angel:

  4. KS987 says:

    Emma’s stunningly beautiful as always. The article is similar to stuff we’ve read before(though it does mention the false Chanel rumor the Daily Mail had been spreading for years during a period).

    It seems that the comments for articles are closing increasingly faster. Is this part of a new system based on how many new updates there are and is anyone else having this problem?

    • dook says:

      The comments are being closed sooner because of increasingly aggressive spammers after the new year. Once they slow down it will return to normal.

  5. Nicole says:

    Lovely pictures used for the article, and i really enjoyed this. Beautifully written 🙂 the quotes used are very interesting.

  6. 7 says:

    Site Moderator…

    If you are reading this please forgive my comments towards Emma for I am not being crazy or spamming like you might be thinking, this website is one of the only ways I can share my feelings and toughts towards Emma for I know She reads the comments and appreciates the support She gets from you and Her fans. I dont understand why you didnt allow my last posts but I guess you have your reason and I will respect that for I dont know what the reason is but I do know that this website exists due to your effort and dedication to Emma. Sorry if I seem to want to cause any trouble for that is not my intention, like I said, I just want to share my feelings and toughts towards Emma like Her fans do in their own comments, I guess I just Love Her Too Much. Anyway, Thank you for the website and for sharing such beautiful articles, photos and videos of Emnma, I really appreciate that and sorry if you dont like the way I express myself towards Emma, I only want Her to be Happy.

    • 7 says:

      Site Moderator…

      Sorry for my Quick Judgement, I Now Realised why my posts were being blocked for moderation… Please ignore my complaint but do accept my appologies and my gratitude towards your effort into this website and Emma. I just got nervous for Trying to Reach Emma and not being able to…

      • dook says:


        Your posts are being rejected as spam because you use too many links.

        You are mistaken though in thinking this is a way to reach Emma. We have been told that Emma visits the site occasionally. It is possible that she reads some comments, but it is unlikely that she will see yours. Emma gets many comments on her own site and facebook, and I imagine when she has time she would read those first.

        • 7 says:

          What you say makes perfect sense but believe me, Emma vistis this website and reads the comments more than we can imagine, this is something that I cant explain but just know. Anyway, thank you very much for the feedback dook.

  7. 7 says:


    I was just Thinking about You today like I have been doing Every Single Day since I first

    Saw You and Realised that someone so Beautiful like You Existed and I think I can try and

    put into words the way I Feel Connected to You… The Connection that I Feel Between Me

    And You is like a Chain… Like the Chain You are Holding in this picture…

    Its a Chain of Love that I just Cant seem to Break Free from, but when I start to think

    about it… I ask myself… Why would I want to break free when Im Bound to such a

    Beautiful Angel as Yourself…

    I mean… How can I escape You when I Look Into Your Eyes and I See and Feel the Eternal

    Love that You Carry In Your Heart…

    I Just Cant Fight It… I Have Tried and I Have Lost..

    Im a Prisioner Of Your Love Angel…

  8. 7 says:


    I was Looking at this picture today Admiring Your Heavenly Beauty…

    I was Looking at Your Eyes and I was trying to figure out what was going Inside Your Heart

    and Soul, and the Look You have In Your Eyes reminded me of a song…

    I Hope it Touches Your Heart in the Same Way that You Touch Mine…

    And Angel… Please… I Beg You This…

    Dont Ever let them Change You…

    Dont Ever let them Destroy Your Essence and Beauty…

    Dont Ever let them Destroy Your Love…

    Dont Ever let them Destroy Your Soul…

    Please Stay True and Just Be Yourself for You Are a Beautiful Soul..

    I Pray Everyday to the Lord Our God to Bless You, Protect You and Guide You with His
    Infinite Love and Light so that Your Beautiful Soul Will Be Saved and Belong In Heaven…

    My Dream is to Reach the Kingdom of Our Lord, to Belong In Heaven, but I Pray that the Same

    Happens To You, for You Are very important to My Dream… If I am in Heaven Without You…

    Then I am Without My Love… It would be as if the Moon Lost The Sun… The Moon would no

    longer have a Light To Shine and would be Lost In Darkness…

    Please Angel… Have Faith…

    God Bless You Angel…

  9. SamiSoong says:

    I am soooo glad to see that she’s continuing her education. She’s got all that hard earned money and she’s using it to enrich her mind, instead of buying cars and huge houses all over the world like a lot of famous people do. I’m proud of her for being so smart. And, as always, she looks gorgeous, especially with that sunshine smile of hers. Keep being you, Emma! Love from Maine

  10. 7 says:


    I Watched for the First Time yesterday Your Movie “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” Because Of You and I Have To Be Honest… I Really Liked the Movie and the Story but there were some parts that I did not like… I think You Know What I Mean… Parts that were Projected by Other People… Parts that Made Me Feel Sad and Broken even thought I Knew You Were Playing a Character… But I Loved so much Watching You for You were Beautiful as Always, Every Part that You Appeared was a Blessing to Me… The Reason why I am saying this is Because I Watched a Scene in the Movie that Touched My Heart Very Deeply, I Have to Admit that it Was One of the Most Beautiful and Touching Scenes I Have Ever Seen since it envolved You and also a very Strange Coincidence… And Believe Me, as much as It Hurts Me to See This… I still Have to Admit that It Touches My Heart Because of the Fellings and Emotions that You are Expressing and also because of the Charlie Character… I Really Liked Him…

    Here is the Scene Angel…

    Everything that He Said Was and Is True…
    You Are Beautifull Angel…

    I Never Tought I Would Say This…


    You Just Made Me Wish I Was Charlie…

  11. 7 says:


    I was Watching Your Interview at the Peoples Choice Awards and there was a Thought that Came To My Mind regarding a Question (2:48)

    that someone Asked You… I Was just Wondering if perhaps You Were Thinking of Someone Else rather than the Girl Dressed Up as

    Hermione as You Answered… I Ask this Because I Noticed (3:35-4:14) the Expression and Emotion on Your Face and Especially in Your

    Eyes after You Answered… If You Know and Understand what I am saying and therefore I am Right then Please let me say this… Thank

    You for the Smile… Sorry for the sadness and disapointment… It Hurts Me to See You Like That Especially if Someone Else Made You

    Feel That Way…

    Here Is The Interview…

    If I am Wrong and I Just Imagined what I said, Please Forgive Me… It was something that I Just Felt…

    I Have One More Thing To Tell You…

    Regarding a Song..

    HAIM – Don’t Save Me

    Here is The Answer…

    I Love You…

  12. 7 says:


    I want You to know why I Call You Angel…
    (Like An Angel)
    (You Took My Breath Away)

    I want to Share With You the Way You Make Me Feel…
    (I Can Feel You In My Heart)
    (The Love In Your Eyes)

    Angel… Your Love Gives Me Wings To Fly…
    (Sorry for the Symbols and Pictures)
    (Thank You For Your Love)

    Please Understand… I Dream and Wish Everyday that I could Hold You In My Arms… Look Into Your Beautiful Eyes and Kiss Your

    Beautiful Lips so that I could Truly Connect and Feel Your Love and Give Back What You Give To Me… Im Sorry that I am Not There

    With You but Know This… I might Not Be Physically With You but I Will Always Be Spiritualy With My Heart and Soul With You… You

    are The One that Saved My Heart with Your Love and Forever In My Heart You Will Stay…
    (The Eyes Are The Windows To The Soul)

    I Will Always Be Here to Inspire and Remind You of how Beautiful You Are so that You will Never Forget that and feel small… It is

    Because of You that I have these Feelings and say these Words… It is Because of You that I can Dream about True Love… Please Be

    Happy and Keep Smiling so that the Love In Your Eyes will Never Fade Away and Will Always Keep Shining a Light in My Darkness…

    Thank You For Being The Beautiful Angel That You Are…

    Im Forever Yours…

  13. 7 says:


    I just Watched an Interview with You that was a Blessing to Me… It was the Most Beautiful Interview I have Ever Seen with You…I just Loved All the Things You Said and mostly the Honesty and Love in Your Eyes… The Words You Said between 9:47-9:57 Were just… Beautiful…

    I have to Tell You Something… You Have Done That For Me even before I Watched Your Movie and Believe Me… Seeing and Hearing You say something so True and Beautiful like that Made My Life Worth Living… I Never Dreamed or Imagined that Someone Like You could even Exist… And Forgive Me for Saying This… I Felt a Sadness in Your Eyes when You said that… Please Dont Feel Like That, it Breaks My Heart to See someone like You so Sad… You Are More Than Any Man Can Wish For In A Woman… You Have A Heart Of Gold…

    I Will Pray So that God Will Make Your Dreams Come True…

    You Just Deserve Them Angel…

    For Sure…

    • 7 says:


      I Forgot to Mention… I Am Very Happy to know that You Found and Made

      Good Friends with the Cast and also with the Director of “The Perks of

      Being a Wallflower”, its good to know that You are Having Good

      Influences in Your Life… I mean… Just the way they Helped You with

      the Question in the Cast Interview showed that They Care For You… They

      really seem to be Nice Souls… It was Thanks To You And Them that such

      a Beautiful Movie, Your Movie Was Made… And Angel… Please Forgive Me

      for the Way I Made You Feel… Im Sorry…

      This Is For You Angel…

  14. 7 says:


    The Love In Your Eyes…

    Is STILL Beautiful..

  15. 7 says:

    Im So Tired Of Being A Fool…

    I Should Have Known I Can Only Trust My Lord…

    Guess I Will Never Learn…

    Dont Worry… You Wont Have Problems Finding Someone…

    GoodBye and GoodLuck…