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About the People Tree collection (2010): "I've looked at it for so long that I'm almost numb to it in that sense that I couldn't tell you whether it's going to be good or bad anymore. It's so nice to hear the positive comments today and to see it the clothes worn by the models. And it's so rewarding to see your clothes on other people. And one of the nice things is people here coming up to me to tell me they want to buy a top or a pair of tracksuit bottoms which I guess is the biggest compliment."

More from Lancôme

Several new images of Emma Watson for Lancôme have come out recently. There is a new advertisement for Lancôme Blanc Expert, and photos for Emma’s Lancôme in Love collection. Credit to, Roberto and EmmaWatsonItalia.


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26 Responses to “More from Lancôme”

  1. bryannnn xd says:

    Omg EmWatson please stop being soooooooooo perfect!!!!! <3<3

  2. shane says:

    Lovely woman.

  3. susang bhatt says:

    all pose r simply outstanding.emma looks amazing as always.

  4. Hermione_Grangerfan says:

    I’m not too fond of the first one. But the other’s I really like, especially the one where’s she outside, and the sun is cascading behind her. She looks really beautiful there.

  5. Nicole says:

    Emma always looks fantastic! The first picture especially i adore 🙂

  6. Sina T. says:

    Very Beautiful

  7. 130671 says:

    Lol in pics 1 and 2 she looks like “Hey, I know that’s not really me, but I wanted the money…”

  8. Lorine says:

    Really beautiful as usual. 😀

  9. Andrew says:

    Lovely photos. I especially like the first one. Emma looks beautiful.

  10. amir54 says:

    h h
    hhh h
    hhhhhhhhl h
    emma —-h
    fan —–h
    hhhhhhhhh h

  11. Deborah says:

    I love the last pic! In the first there’s too much Photoshop…
    Do you think that Emma really use the Lancome products?

  12. SamiSoong says:

    Can someone please tell me why, when a woman is wearing lipstick, they put the lipstick slightly outside the lips? It looks ridiculous! It’s the reason I absolutely HATE when women wear lipstick!

  13. Jamillah says:

    That first picture is just…perfect Emma is amazing! :]

  14. Emma Lee says:

    Emma, you’re always the best!

  15. 7 says:


    Please Forgive Me… I have done the Same Mistake Again… Im Sorry…

    Let me explain what happened… I saw something that I was Not

    Expecting… Something that Made Me Feel Fear Again… I Love You more

    than You can imagine and because of this I also have a Great Fear In My

    Heart… I Fear Losing You and not only in a physical sense… I Fear

    that someone might Mistreat You and Break Your Heart again… I dont

    want Your Love to die… I dont want to lose Your Love… My Heart

    Relies on Your Love Angel… Just the Thought of Losing You again Makes

    Me Fall Apart… I now know and understand that I Made a Mistake and I

    Shouldnt Doubt You Anymore… You have shown me that You Are The

    Beautiful Woman and Soul my Heart Always told me You were… Im Sorry

    for Doubting You… Please Forgive Me…

    This Is For You Angel…
    (Im Just An Ordinary Man)
    (I Never Dreamed You Existed)
    (Im Dreaming Of Your Sweet Love)

  16. 7 says:


    You Will Always Be The One I Love…

  17. mehdi (One of the fans Emma in iran) says:

    بازيگر قهار و دوست داشتني ايه !!!!
    ارزوي موفقيت بيشتر دارم براش .

  18. KS987 says:

    Words can’t describe how beautiful Emma is. Absolutely stunning pictures. 🙂 Emma’s going to be at university this spring so she may not be able to make appearances to promote for Lancome though.

    Speaking of pictures, what’s going on with the site’s gallery? It’s been offline for quite a while now.

  19. 7 says:


    I watched Your appearance in the T4 TV show…

    I just wanted to say that You were absolutely Beautiful as Always and that the Questions and Quotes they asked You were Very Interesting… Good thing they helped You with them… They seem to be Nice Souls…

    Please Keep Being the BEautifUl Woman that You Are…

    God Bless You Angel…

  20. mega says:

    Hi guys! after already 2 years I’m funally back!

  21. 7 says:


    That Song…

    One Day Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Remix)…

    Have No Fear…

    Together.. Nothing Can Stop Us Now…

    I Love You…

  22. 7 says:


    Let me share with You My Favourite Artist…

    He is my Lord and the Creator of the Universe…

    This is My Favourite Creation… His Master Piece…×746.jpg

    Its writen in Your Eyes… Can You See It?

    Made In Heaven…