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About her driver, Nigel (2009):"Yes, I love Nigel! You know, he drove me to that first audition, and he's been driving me ever since. He's like my best friend - he knows everything about my life. If you have to sit in the car with someone for two hours a day, you had better like him! I get very jealous when he drives someone else."

“Emma” at Madame Tussauds

A wax figure of Emma Watson will soon be joining other celebrities at Madame Tussaud London. Coming in March, the likeness of Emma will be dressed in an Elie Saab gown and seated on a chaise longue.

“Emma is the perfect addition to the A-list line up here at Madame Tussauds London and is one of the most requested personalities by our guests. She’s a true English rose known and loved by millions of film and fashion fans around the world. We are also very lucky to be working with Elie Saab who is donating the stunning gown Emma will wear. She will feel right at home among a host of other glamorous personalities and we know she will be a huge hit with all our guests!” – PR Manager Nicole Fenner

Preview photos of the figure’s head in clay have been released. So, what do you think? Does it look like Emma?


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35 Responses to ““Emma” at Madame Tussauds”

  1. chris says:

    I’m sorry, but I’ve seen way too many horror films and wax figures just creep me out. And the tradition usually is that the person gets their picture taken with the wax figure, so Emma will most likely be taking a picture with “herself.”

  2. Andrew says:

    I love the quote that talks about Emma and her success. I can’t believe how far she got into life and how famous she got in these past couple of years. And on the plus side, I believe the wax fits the way how she looks. 😀

  3. Vitek(CZ) says:

    What to say…? Congratulations Emma!! 🙂 I hope that I will see complete figure on my own eyes… one time. 🙂

  4. Sara says:

    Emma rocks! Well done girl! Some army goes be mad LOL

  5. 130671 says:

    I’m not terribly impressed with the way she looks in the pics but maybe the final version will be a lot better (and closer to reality)?
    I wonder…did anyone ever “join” at a younger age?

  6. Harald says:

    Recognizable, but a bit too boyish.

  7. Joyce says:

    It doesn’t look like Emma…

  8. nibbles says:

    Come on y’ all! That looks exactly like her. Every line on her face is perfect. I’m sure in color it would look amazingly real. That is not easy to do, so I give props to whoever did it. I think emma would like it. The eyes are so lit up and expressive.

  9. susang bhatt says:

    This is a Big Achievement so,i am happy that you r selected for this precious Owner.

  10. lovemma says:

    wow! perfect i hope in finish look like emma!!!!

  11. tabitoo says:

    IMO…Emma’s face is a tad bit narrower than what the sculpter is depicting and her head is also smaller/more petite. Other than that it’s fine. Is it just me or does the artist look like a cross between Dan and Rob or what it would look like if Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson had a love child together. lol

    • PA says:

      My first split second thought was “Why is Robert Pattinson scuplting Emma’s face.” lol. But after you mentioned Dan, it completely does look like a cross between the two!

  12. میشه یکی خبر رو خط به خط به فارسی ترجمه کنه؟

    • sepid says:

      فاطمه جان اینم خبرش به فارسی :

      اِما واتسون به ستارگان Madame Tussauds London می پیوندد!
      فکر میکنم همه با موزه مادام Tussauds آشنا باشین!! موزه ای که در اون مجسمه های بسیار طبیعی و واقعی از مشهورترین مردان و زنان دنیا وجود داره.
      سایت رسمی این موزه ، امروز این خبر را منتشر و مجسمه در حال ساخت اِما را معرفی کرد!!
      این سایت نوشت:
      یکی از درخشان ترین ستاره های جوان بریتانیا،در موزه مادام Tussauds لندن ، با مواد مجسمه سازی ، مورد تقدیر قرار می گیرد!
      این ستاره 22 ساله ، بازیگر و مدل ، در یک موقعیت آرام و نشسته به تصویر کشیده خواهد شد. همچنین این مجسمه، اِما را در لباس پشت باز سنگ دوزی شده آبی که در سال 2011 ، در مراسم معرفی محصولات Roge In Love , Lancôme در هنگ کنگ پوشیده بود ، نشان خواهد داد!
      و در ادامه نوشت :
      اِما واتسون به جمع زنان مشهور موزه مادام Tussauds ، از جمله :
      Kate Winslet ، Helen Mirren ، Angelina Jolie و Jennifer Lopez پیوست.
      این مجسمه در ماه مارچ رونمایی خواهد شد و از الان بیلیت های افتتاحیه ، برای علاقه مندان ، در سایت موزه پیش فروش می شود.

      • سپید جون از اونجایی ک من خیلی انگلیش بلد نیستم ازت میخوام ک نویسنده وبم شی. همیشه خبرای اما رو ناقص گدذاشتم.
        خواهش میکنم.

        • sepid says:

          نمیدونم والا !
          باشه ! کمکی باشه دریغ نمیکنم!
          ولی اگه میشه میتونی ایمیلتو بدی !

          • راستشو بخوای میل ندارم. ولی یکی مشترک دارم با بابام. در مواقع ضروری ازش استفاده میکنم

          • sepid says:

            خب یکی درست کن ! تا از طریق اون باهات ارتباط داشته باشم !!
            خیلی راحته ! فک کنم خودت از من بهتر بدونی

  13. Harald says:

    Hi,what are you trying to telle us?

  14. Britt says:

    Congratulations, Emma! I think the clay fax of her could be better, but i can see her in it though.
    Britt Leverett, GA

  15. Ian says:

    Truly awful! It doesn’t resemble her in the slightest lol!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Not into the wax thing. I’d rather like to see the celeb in person then see a fake. However these things have become very popular. But i’m not feeling it.

    • SamiSoong says:

      It’s probably different in this case…I mean, an action figure…who knows what kids would do to those. But something like this wax figure thing, it’s like an honor.

  17. KS987 says:

    Emma repeatedly mentioned how she was freaked out by Hermione actions figures, so I’m not sure how she feels about a wax model of herself being made, especially since it seems they don’t need the celebrities permission to make these. I just hope that she isn’t too creeped out by this. 😛

  18. em says:

    Yay…. go Emma… I’m so proud of her 🙂

  19. anastasia says:

    looks creepy with this metal thing. why on earth do they post these pictures.

  20. hira says:

    awesomeeee…. finalllyyy… 🙂
    this way i will be able to get a picture with her 😀 if i ever visit the museum…. 🙂 toooo gud… I hope they give the wax figure something full length and light coloured to wear….. :))) awesome…. 🙂

  21. window says:

    Rose of England sweet and fair, shining with the sun. . .

  22. Vinda says:

    Ah, congratz Emma!! I’m so proud of you 🙂

  23. Nicole says:

    I actually think it looks quite realistic. 🙂