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About what she didn't like about GOF (2005): "Probably one of the things that I didn't like was that we filmed so much material. A lot of it gets cut. When you watch it for the first time, you realise that things have been cut out. You just think that there have been months and months of work that are just gone."

Emma a Natural Beauty by James Houston

A new photography book by James Houston will feature new portraits of Emma Watson along with other celebrities, ‘with the goal to raise awareness and funds for the environment and sustainable living’.

My latest project, NATURAL BEAUTY, is a photographic series inspired by the connection I feel to nature in my design work and in the environment. I shot some of the worldโ€™s leading celebrities and top models who are also environmentally conscious. The project will launch during World Earth Week 2013 in New York and Los Angeles in collaboration with MILK Galleries NYC. By celebrating the incredible beauty that exists in nature, my hope is that these images will inspire people to appreciate and value natureโ€™s beauty. The environment is a gift we canโ€™t afford to take for granted. We all need to do our part to protect it. – James Houston

Natural Beauty will debut at the Milk Gallery in late April, and will be available for sale this spring. Proceeds will benefit Global Green USA.



Behind the scenes trailer from the photoshoot.

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37 Responses to “Emma a Natural Beauty by James Houston”

  1. Misha says:

    OMG O_O stunning ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Chris says:

    As great as the photos are (especially the dirt and grime one), what’s just as great is that she did this for Enviromental Awareness exhibit and not for a magazine or self promotion for a movie. From what I’ve gathered so far it kind of sounds like she did this as sort of a charity act which is really cool.

  3. Arou says:

    Is she photographed without makeup?! that’d be nice!

  4. 130671 says:

    o_O no way!

  5. iris says:

    She is wearing lots of make up. Come on guys, we’ve seen her grow up! We know how many freckles she has.
    This or this is what she looks like without make up.
    Still gorgeous, many girls (including me) would love to look like that. I’m just saying she is naturally not as perfect as in these pics.

  6. JQ says:

    One of this photos is ugly – It associates me with 50 shades of Grey. Sorry. ๐Ÿ™

    • Anonymous says:

      No. It just proofes that Emma could do “Shades” without giving away too much of her body. She is a brilliant actress. This pictures are perfect and so grown up. Very well done, Emma!

      • Sarah says:

        Not when the producers and author have come out several times and said they are hoping for an NC-17 film. Kind of hard to get that without showing too much, or doing too much

  7. JQ says:

    But freckles are exciting. We can see it on some photos ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Thessalie says:

    Oh my god, she looks stunning, simply goergeous…

  9. tabitoo says:

    Modern Hermione Phil: Check it out on Youtube. lol. Modern faimly talks about Hermione actually talking about how pretty Emma has gotten and I think The Big Bang Theory mentions Harry Potter in about every other episode. lol I can’t help being a fan though I’m beginning to think she was a genetic science experiment. Beautiful, Smart, Funny, telented in acting, dancing and singing. Come on she has to have some kind of flaw that we can’t find. I’d think she were the antichrist if she were a male. Too perfect. lol

  10. Petra, or something. says:

    Anja Rubik is there! Can’t wait to see final result ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Stuart says:

    Oh my God. How much more beautiful could she get?

  12. tabitoo says:

    Another obsessed fan base for Emma is the MMA, Mixed Martial Arts forum. All those men are obsessing over her it’s so funny to read what they’re saying about her and not just these pics from above. I hope Will has some Ninja skills just in case he may need them. It’s just funny to me to see these tough MMA guys going all fangirl for Emma they remind me of the teen girls going crazy over Justin Bieber or One Direction…hilarious. If Emma ever goes on SNL this would have to be addressed in a skit.

  13. Silvia says:

    Perfect! Stunning! Gorgeous!

  14. Michelle says:

    Emma looks gorgeous!

  15. Bradley says:

    GEEZUS! Beauty overload. I don’t deserve to look at Emma. I’M NOT WORTHY! ! ! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. annalise says:

    she is my muse <3

  17. 130671 says:

    well take them away , it looks weird without the originals i answered to

  18. SamiSoong says:

    She must be really fun to work with, when it comes to photography, I mean, she’s almost a work of art herself, and she doesn’t have to take all her clothes off and pose with ber butt sticking out, or her legs open. All she has to do is look up into the distance and BAM! that right there makes a breathtaking photograph.

  19. Eleanor Roosevelt says:

    “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

  20. KAI says:

    Saving earth by going Nude !

  21. KAI says:

    Saving Earth by going Nude

  22. Anonymous says:

    Nice pics. Did anyone hear about her singing with a band from Iceland?? Not to be negative but I don’t think that the band will succeed as well since they have her in a song or two. I’m not saying she’s a bad singer, but she isn’t going to peruse a musical career and I feel that this Iceland band would do better if they found a real musical artist to record with. Wat do u guys think?

    • Harald says:

      Anyone can and should sing…so let her. The band will knoww best if it’s good promotion or not.

  23. Andrew says:

    Emma is really beautiful and I love the way she looks. I can’t believe how much she has grown up. O_o

  24. Cathe says:

    Dook, I’d very much like to ask you something in person but I can’t seem to find your e-mail or decide which one to use from this site. Where can I contact you?

  25. 7 says:


    You simply Define the word Beauty… You are the most Beautiful and Perfect Woman ever Created… And You… The Soul that lives In Your Body… Is just Divine… After all these years the Love In Your Eyes still Shines as Bright as the Sun… I can still See and Feel the Infinite Love You Carry in Your Heart… You Are A Precious Treasure Emma… The Golden Heart and Perfect Love You carry within You can Transform any Darkness Into Light… Thats why I call You…

    The Angel Of Love…

    You Are A Dream…

  26. KS987 says:

    HOLY ****!!! O_O!!! Emma Watson is the most beautiful, sexiest woman in existence!!! This is officially my favorite photoshoot!!!

    *takes deep breath* okay, I’m calming down. But these pictures are absolutely amazing. It was quite the surprise when I first saw this on here. :). She truly is a natural beauty.

  27. Kristen says:

    Emma once again proves why the natural look is the most beautiful-she looks gorgeous…I think it so cool that this photographer did a book like this.

  28. Harald says:

    I’ve looked quite closely at the photos, and it seems to me that there has been some touching up in No.2 and the smaller one of No.4 that doesn’t comply with the actual anatomy.

  29. Arghavan says:

    I’m so happy that she is not naked….
    hope she never does.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Man i hate these pics. Something for me didnt feel right. Oh well i guess you can’t like all the photoshoots lol