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The Bling Ring Theatrical Trailer Released

The theatrical trailer for Sofia Coppola’s The Bling Ring has been released by Yahoo Movies. The film stars Emma Watson, Katie Chang, Israel Broussard, Taissa Farmiga and Claire Julien. The Bling Ring opens June 14th in the USA.


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37 Responses to “The Bling Ring Theatrical Trailer Released”

  1. Chrs says:

    3 things about the new trailer, 1st, accent is pretty goood, 2nd, the movie looks very promising, 3rd, Emma doesn’t know how to smoke a cigarette lol

  2. D-one says:

    It’ll be interesting to see Emma playing a very different role 🙂
    Any idea when this movie will open outside USA? Isn’t a limited release, is it?

  3. susang bhatt says:

    promising this movie release in india?

  4. Ahzan khan says:

    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.

  5. Ahzan khan says:

    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.
    LOVE U.

  6. Kristen says:

    Good that Emma doesnt know how to smoke a cigarette #1…#2 her accent ROCKS!!! She plays the manipulative well-the way she delivers her lines is how I expect Nicki to sound-full of herself, only cares about herself, trying to get out of trouble. This is #1 on my list of movies to see (for shure ;)). It also looks to have some comedic aspects too even though the events are not comedic. Everyone seems to nail their parts too especially Katie.
    Anyway, Go Emma!!! Cant wait for this vastly different role!

  7. tabitoo says:

    Lov’n the accent. Emma is her character looks like she did a great job. Can’t wait to see it. “I want to lead the country one day for all I know.” Yes!!! LOl! Sounds exactly like Alexis Neiers. 🙂 Emma nailed it. So happy.

  8. fenix says:

    I like it 🙂

  9. Thessalie says:

    When she does the “you’re stressing me out” she totally has the look of Britney… Makes me think she can imitate well how to have a good attitude !

    One thing : she said on twitter that she is not the leading role (that she is 3rd or even 4th). It feels like the trailer plays on her popularity to sell the movie then, because here she appears as if she wes the leading character.

  10. tabitoo says:

    Alexis Neiers says the movie looks trashy and that she won’t see it. I have the feeling she’s telling a lie. lol

    • Bradley says:

      Yeah,the credibility is not quite there with Alexis, is it? The real characters should not have expected this to be a flattering biopic. If it is real, it won’t be.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Omg Emma is hilarious! Can’t wait to see this!

  12. YOLO says:


  13. Bradley says:

    HOLY FREAKIN’ CRIMONY SAKE, I was doubled over laughing AND double-taking over her California accent! ! ! It was so real that if the audio had been even slightly out of synch with the video, I would have sworn it was dubbed in. Call it a “linguistic magic trick.” Emma had better get used to going to parties where she hears people BEG HER to “do the so-cal talk.” Girl’s got talent! GAWD, it was funny and impressive simultaneously!

  14. tabitoo says:

    The girl whom Emma’s character was based on “Alexis Neiers” just had a baby girl Wed. Emma sounds and acts just like her from what I’ve seen so far in this trailer. Yikes…lol.

  15. Latias says:

    Emma doesn’t smoking in real life, isn’t it??

    • Kristen says:

      Lol no she doesnt…why someone said she looks awkward smoking doesnt know whats shes doing 🙂 which is good! Lol

    • dook says:

      I think the answer is no. I don’t believe Emma smokes in real life, just as an actress.

  16. sumit says:

    This movie will gonna rock, can’t wait to see emma in this role <3 love u emma 🙂

  17. 7 says:


    When I Want You Here Next To Me…

    I Just Close My Eyes And Dream…

    I Am Always With You…

    Love You…

  18. Dalma says:

    I am not crazy about the trailer but I cant wait to watch the film. 😀 As for the smoking… I think it is actually a nice touch: Nikki doing anything to be popular, smoking cigarettes, but not quite knowing how. I think it adds to the character.

  19. Heini says:

    The Bling Ring and This is the end movies will be released in theaters in Finland but they cancelled The Perks of being a wallflower release last year… it’s not right 😉 But I’m going to watch The Bling Ring even though I’m not excited about it. Emma looks very talented in The Bling Ring trailer.

  20. Ingrid says:

    !!!!! I wanna see this movie NOW. If they don’t release it in theaters in Sweden, I’ll be one pissed monkey.

  21. Heini says:

    Ingrid, The Bling Ring will be in theaters in Sweden (14 June)

  22. Bradley says:

    Still watching this trailer to hear Emma do the accent. There has to be an Oscar in her future sometime!

  23. SarahBear says:

    Emma’s so funny at the end ‘I wanna rule a country for all i know’….killed me!!!

    • Kristen says:

      Omg I know!!!! I was laughing and shaking my head at the same time Lol!! You have to hate Nicki but then there are scenes where she tricks ya with her innocence 😉 Emma rocks this role!! Again, accent spot on!!! Cant wait for it!!

      • Bradley says:

        That very same line, and her accent, is the reason I keep watching the trailer too. Gut-busting laughter.

  24. KS987 says:

    It’a amazing how Emma basically transforms into Nicki. Her accent is brilliant as well. :). I do find it funny how Alexis Neiers was shocked that she was being negatively portrayed after seeing the trailer, despite Emma repeatedly talking about how much she hates Nicki (and by extension Alexis) long before it even came out. Emma was probably shocked and horrfied at the fact that Neiers is a real person. :p

    Emma’s going to be amazing in this role.

  25. Ingrid says:

    Somehow funny how everyone goes “omg Emma’s amazing in this movie and role”, you haven’t even seen it yet 😛 but the trailer is promising, can’t wait!!

    oh, and does someone hear what Emma says in the beginning of the trailer? After “girls, time for your” blabla something.