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About Emma Thompson (2004): "Emma Thompson is playing Professor Trelawney and I was so excited to work with her 'cause she's great, I love her, she does such a great job, she's hilarious in this film, she's so funny, it's great!"

August 2013 Calendar


Congratulations to Tushar, our winner for the August Calendar Competition!



Honorable mentions to Jia, Marie, Anna, Elena, Denise, Rica, Sabrina and Pitty. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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8 Responses to “August 2013 Calendar”

  1. Marie says:

    Thanks a lot for the honorable Mention and congrats to Tushar!

  2. Jia says:

    Congratulations to the winner and all other HMs.. ^_^
    I’m so glad to see the competition reviving! Some really good calendars this time.. Great work everyone! 🙂

  3. cemal says:

    Wonderful calenders thank you:)))

  4. Tushar says:

    Wow! hey i win…. 🙂
    never thought i would win, all other HMs calender were too beautiful (congrats them to)..but finally.
    thank you and who voted…thank you so much

    PS: waiting for september.. 😛

  5. Pitty says:

    Iam realy glad for Honorable mention. There are a lot of beautiful calendars. Thank you to everyone who voted and also thanks to for Competition. Congratulation Tushar!

  6. Thessalie says:

    Ohhh I couldn’t vote because I was in hollidays…
    Congratulations, beautiful calendars !!!

  7. maitray says:

    As usual Emma has been the best and looks gorgeous in her recent calendar.

  8. zaynab-iran says:

    very nice.thanks