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About the end of HP (2007): "Well, there's quite a big difference between what I'd like to have happen and what actually will happen. I'd like to think that Hermione and Ron will end up together. It's been like five films where they've gone at it. I hope that she uses her intelligence, her determination, grit and strength, everything that's great about her and does something really amazing with that. I hope she finds a job that really challenges her and pushes her."

Emma is GQ’s Woman of the Year


Emma Watson was chosen as British GQ’s Woman of the Year at the 2013 GQ Men of the Year awards today. Emma attended the event at the Royal Opera House in London wearing Balenciaga Resort.

Emma accepted the award from actor Tom Hiddleston, saying “Given the perilousness in the journey from child star to adult, any award with ‘Woman’ in the title is frankly a relief!

An interview and photoshoot with Emma appears in the next issue of British GQ, out tomorrow.


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30 Responses to “Emma is GQ’s Woman of the Year”

  1. Chris says:

    That’s pretty cool that she picked up that award. As for the outfit, I don’t think many will simply shrug their shoulders…you either loved it or didn’t 😛

  2. SamiSoong says:

    she looks adorable! love her hair, that’s my favorite part, and he rosey cheeks!

  3. 130671 says:

    WOW! 😛

  4. heini says:

    Once again. What a stunning woman!

  5. susang bhatt says:

    emma looks amazingly well in every out fit.

  6. Sweet_Rose says:

    Awwwwwwww, that’s awesome! The outfit’s just cool! 🙂

  7. tabitoo says:

    The last two images I’ve seen of Emma have her dressed like she’s in Star Wars or something. Not that she doesn’t look great. I’m just wondering if she’s hinting at something. She’s not back in school and she’s “supposedly” not filming anything in the near future so maybe just maybe… don’t laugh…Star Wars 7. It’s scheduled to start filming this month in London I might add, and they are keeping everything hush hush about who’s in it. So…yeah I know it’s way out there but hey it’s a possibility.

    • dook says:

      A few days ago Emma tweeted “And the learning begins in earnest”. I think that means she is back at school.

    • Chris says:

      She was also seen by several people at Brown University last week and talking to teachers. My best bet is that she’s doing independent studies but she may be graduating by the end of 2013

  8. Kimmie says:

    Love the pants, hairstyle, and makeup but I don’t like the top. Seeing that top kinda makes her look too skinny?? Just my opinion! Not hate plz!

  9. Jaana says:

    Wow, she looks simply stunning! Love the oufit, the hair, the makeup, everything! 🙂

  10. Nicole says:

    Emma looks so amazing! Prettiest girl in the world!

  11. Denni says:

    She is very strange here. i don’t like her outfit. But congratulations! 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:

    ‘Woman’ in the title? Maybe somebody should tell her not to behave luke a child anymore. Then it comes naturally……

  13. Kenne says:

    No belly button.
    Personal choice, or not allowed on runway in England?

  14. Bradley says:

    She has succeeded at everything else she has done. Might as well add “sexy pinup star” to the list. The girl’s got it!

  15. 7 says:


    Congratulations For Your Award…

    You Deserved It…

    If I Were To Give You Something For The Person That You Are…

    I Would Give You My Heart… My Soul and My Love…


    You Are Not Just Only The Most Beautiful Woman In All Creation…

    But You Are Also The Most Beautiful Girl…

    THe Most Beautiful Heart…

    The Most Beautiful Soul…

    And The Most Beautiful Angel Of Heaven…

    I Just Loved To See You Receive Your Award…

    You Were Beautiful As Always… In Every Way…

    And It Is Such A Relief And Blessing To See You Happy And Smilling…

    To See You Being Your Beautiful Self…

    So Please Dont Let Other People Bring You Down If They Cant See Your Beauty…

    I Have Been Blessed With The Gift Of The Second Sight…

    And I Have To Tell You This…

    When I Look At You…

    When I Look At Your Heart And Your Soul…

    I Only See Pure Beauty And Love…

    I See A Divine Light Of Love Shining Through Your Eyes…

    I See A Love That Only Dreams Are Made Of…

    I See An Angel Of Love…

    So Please Keep Being Yourself…

    And You Will Remain Forever…


    Kenny Lattimore – Beautiful Girl

    God Bless You Angel…

  16. Anurag says:

    Dressed very different!

  17. Anonymous says:

    She wants to be trated luke a woman? Well, then she ahould behave like obe. The Outfit is horrible on her underweight body.

  18. Syd says:

    What is she wearing?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Omg what is she wearing?

  20. KS987 says:

    Emma looks stunning as ever. That sexy tummy…..

    So glad to see her win another award and it was a nice surprise for me, as I didn’t know she was going to attend until I saw these pictures on here.

  21. fernando says:

    Proud of you Emma..! Thank you for your sacrifices for your fans..! Keep those lovely eyes up..!

  22. annonymos says:

    Emma Watson is my great paragon.
    Even as a Boy…
    but she’s ruining everithing now…, i mean that Outfit? that’s not the Emma i’m gonna worship.
    I think i’ll stop after the HP series, and of course “the perks of being a wallflower”
    I just don’t like the fact that she isn’t the smart, innocent Girl anymore… bye Emma watson, i hope you will enjoy your further carrer

  23. Michelle says:

    I think she looks really skinny :/ I hope it’s just the outfit…