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About whether or not Ron and Hermione are going to end up together: "Oh dear God, I hope so, they'd better! I hope so, 7th book, any way we can tell but I hope so."

November Calendar Competition

The November Calendar Competition is now open.

  • The size of the calendar should be at least 1024×768. Higher resolutions are good. Widescreen is also allowed.
  • Calendars must be in a common graphics format such as jpg, tiff, gif or png.
  • It must have and November and it should have the dates. It should be mostly original work, and images used should be respectful of Emma’s privacy.
  • The deadline to submit calendars is October 28.
  • No more than 3 entries per person please. Please send entries to
Comments closed for this item.

6 Responses to “November Calendar Competition”

  1. fernando says:

    cool,can’t wait to see them..! Gd luck to all..!

  2. enes says:

    I love emma t for being in love with her, but her gremyrm knuşamyrm turkey and turkey are a fan of a lot like me I’d be happy to see him as soon as possible turkey.

  3. enes says:

    I love emma t see it because I’m in love with her, but I can not talk turkey and turkey are a fan of a lot like me I’d be happy to see him as soon as possible turkey.

  4. Varapodio says:

    What’s the prize for winning the competition?