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About looking geeky for the her role (2007): "When I was 9 or 10, I would get really upset when they tried to make me look geeky, but now I absolutely love it. I find it's so much pressure to be beautiful. Hermione doesn't care what she looks like. She's a complete tomboy."

Emma to Guest Edit Wonderland February Issue

Wonderland Magazine announced today that Emma Watson will not only cover their upcoming February issue, she will also guest edit the whole issue. Here are a couple of on the set photos of Emma and Douglas Booth from a photoshoot that took place earlier today.

Wonderland-1 Wonderland-2

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29 Responses to “Emma to Guest Edit Wonderland February Issue”

  1. sparkvark111 says:

    It seems a little early for promotional shoots…but then again they released the trailers. πŸ˜› Ila and Shem…together. πŸ˜€

  2. susang bhatt says:

    nice photos & waiting for more beautiful

  3. anastasia says:

    what is she reading? any ideas?

  4. Ana says:

    n long hair. Don’t you think?

  5. Ana says:

    She does’t look that good in long hair, don’t you think?

    • Anonymous says:

      She ONLY looks good with long hair…. Her hair is 30% of her personality. She also looks good in a pixie – but all the things in between are not so good.

  6. Jaana says:

    Love, love, LOVE the long hair! *___*
    I mean, sure, Emma looks stunning in any kind of hairstyle, but long hair is my favourite. πŸ˜€

  7. Tom says:

    I love her hair.
    She looks really gorgeous.
    Really Stunning.

  8. Harald the Sage says:

    Her long hair really is lovely, but what has happened to her “female attributes”…she looks kind of, well,flattish.

  9. 7 says:

    “Female Attributes…”

    “But You’re So Damn Sexy, I Can’t Keep Away…”

    “I Can’t Get Enough, I’m Still Hungry…”


    “Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder…”


    “Now My World Is Filled With So Many Things…”

    “But Nothing Compares To The Touch Of Your Skin…”

    “I Can’t Count All The Colors I See In Your Eyes…”

    I Can Feel Your Love…”

    “I Will Always Love Her For The Woman She Is Inside…”

    Emma – “If I made one person feel a little bit less alone for a second…”

    Emma – “Then it was all worth it… all worth it… for sure…”

    “You Are So Beautiful…”

    “You’re All That I Know, All That Is True…”

    “Give Me Love Like Her…”

    • Anonymous says:

      And even if you list here 1000 pics and vids of her, Emma will not get more of her “female attributes”. She has – after a very femal body back in 2011 – now the body of a woman, only Lagerfeld will find attractive. And this make her look like a 14 year old sometimes…..

      • Ian says:

        She looks gorgeous. Stop being a trolling wanker.

      • The Dude says:

        Not all women have massive tits. If that’s all you’re interested in, pick a porn site, dumbass.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is so disappointing: You live and JFK had to die. We are not talking about “massive” but about “adequate” and “appropriate”…ever heard of those words?

          • Anonymous says:

            Point is, Emma has female attributes, just not like the ones some women have. I don’t think its even right to say ‘adequate’ or ‘appropriate’ coz every woman’s body is unique. who’s to say that her so-called ‘female’ attributes is ‘adequate’ or ‘appropriate’. At the end of the day, we all love her. πŸ™‚

    • silvie says:

      Man, I always look at the comments to see your reply.

  10. Brittain says:

    She grew here hair out, or is that a wig?

  11. Kristen says:

    Emma is gorgeous through and through-she has a HEALTHY look and that is all that matters…she is toned and take care of herself…the long hair looks awesome but Emma can work any hair style πŸ™‚ For this shoot, I think they are extensions (pretty sure).

  12. SamiSoong says:

    There is no way her hair grew that fast…She’s probably wearing extensions. And it looks a bit weird seeing her part in the middle; that was like her trademark since right after PoA. But she still looks gorgeous here, and sexy in a classy way

  13. Sweet_Rose says:

    It’s so sweet!

  14. Anna K. says:

    I can’t find a trailer for this can someone help me?

  15. fernando says:

    Nice..! Just as long as she is in the pic-sweet. Love her how ever she wants to have her hair..! Thanks Dooks..!