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More from the Golden Globes

More photos from the Golden Globes red carpet and awards show.

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On the red carpet, Emma talks about school (graduating in May), her dress and Beauty and the Beast.

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A few more shots from the red carpet.

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After the awards, Emma attended the InStyle and Warner Bros. afterparty.

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16 Responses to “More from the Golden Globes”

  1. Tri Buana RI says:

    STILL…You look gorgeous.

  2. Sweet_Rose says:

    The best outfits are on Emma Watson:)β™₯β™₯β™₯

  3. susang says:

    emma looks simple outstanding in any outfit.

  4. SamiSoong says:

    I have to be honest, I’m not crazy about the back of the orange outfit, but she looks gorgeous either way. Especially in the black dress. And has anyone else noticed how…utterly beautiful her eyes are?

    • Harald the Sage says:


    • Bradley says:

      Yep. Caught that!

    • Lagerfeld says:

      Her eyes are 75% of her appearance. The red dress is a mistake; she should fire her fashion-advisers on the spot for such a awful “dress” and the “trousers”, she cannot fill propperly. In the line of the many beautiful dresses on the red carpet this outfit is simply a unexcusable mistake. Has she lost all here feeling for style and fashion? These horrible combinations “trousers + something” (third time, I think) are simply nothing for her underweight body.

  5. Jaana says:

    Oh my goodness, she looks STUNNING in that after party dress!! Love the hair, the makeup, the jewellery, the dress… Those black earrings give her style a bit of an edge and I absolutely love it! Yay, go Emma! πŸ˜€
    Oh, and that picture of her and Alfonco CuarΓ³n! So cute! ^^

  6. rainbow says:

    She’s such a beauty!!

  7. Nicole says:

    She looks amazing in BOTH dresses, how the daily mail can slate that dress is beyond me, its creative, unique, just looks fab on her!

  8. Helena says:

    lol. eugenio derbez…

  9. Sara says:

    Hello, I wrote you an email and I am still waiting for your answer, so please, check out your email πŸ™‚ Bye. And nice site !

  10. Kristen says:

    I love both dresses πŸ™‚ The after party one is simply stunning…the red looks awesome on her-I always thought red was a good color for her. I mean really any color looks good on her-I am envious πŸ™‚

  11. Valentina says:

    I hate the after party one, it’s so gross!!
    The red one could work πŸ˜€

  12. KS987 says:

    Great to hear that Emma’s graduating in May. πŸ™‚ And despite everything it’s only been delayed by a year (she would have graduated last year if she didn’t have to take at least one semester off). Emma will finally get her diploma this year. πŸ˜€ And once again she looks beautiful as ever.