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About her famous floral Converse chucks (2005): "My Dad got them for me for my birthday present about a year ago and I've just worn them non-stop, as you can see 'cause they're really dirty... But they're really good, they're cool (laughs)."

A Fresh Look

Time to update the layout. We’ve given the site a fresh coat of paint with a new design by BoMa. Hope you like it! Let us know if you have any problems.



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37 Responses to “A Fresh Look”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Am I the only one who doesn’t like the “Updates” bar tool?
    Also not a fan of all the sharing stuff below post details (date, and author), it feels like it breaks “the intimacy” of the website . 🙁

    Anyway nice color palette even though it looks way gloomier than the previous one! 🙂

    • dook says:

      I do see your point about “the intimacy” of the site. But I also see many people visiting the site and very few taking the time to participate or interact any more. I am hoping this will get more of our visitors involved, and also attract new people.

    • Jamillah says:

      I agree with all of this stated

  2. Thessalie says:

    I love the choice of colours and the picture is beautiful 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    I totally agree. The color is awesome, but Emma’s pic is not. Her nose looks like it’s break. Don’t like it so much :/

    • Jim Nobles says:

      I like the new look also. Very good job to everyone involved.

      Anonymous said, “Her nose looks like it’s break.”

      Looking at the top banner I think I understand what happened. Evidently Emma ran into that wall so hard that it knocked some of the plaster loose exposing the bricks. Maybe that’s why she’s looking back over her shoulder. She looks a little embarrassed and is wondering if anyone saw it happen.

      That’s one theory anyway.


  4. Chris says:

    I’m cool with it.

  5. GoldenGem says:

    Very calming and I love the way Emma is wearing her hair in that pic. I really like this page. Well done.

  6. Anon says:

    The gallery link doesn’t work tho.

  7. Sweet_Rose says:

    Cute new layout. 🙂

  8. susang bhatt says:

    nice change

  9. sepid says:

    hiiiiiiiiiii dook!!
    the layout is really attractive!!!
    i miss here soo much!!!!!!!!:)
    do you remember me????????:)

  10. Elena says:

    I ABSOLUTELY Love it!

  11. Mickayla says:

    It looks BEAUTIFUL!

  12. Vali says:

    It’s amazing!! Much better than a previous one. I love every part of it <3 this page is totally awesome 🙂

  13. Amir Brock says:

    Very beautiful.

  14. D-one says:

    Congratulations! I like this new layout 🙂
    BTW, what is planning about the missing gallery? Would you create a new one? It’s been over a year ago that you don’t have it online 🙁

  15. Ingrid says:

    It is beautiful, well done Boma!! <3

  16. Kitty says:

    The changes are nice! Thx BoMa and Dook!
    And I really hope the gallery will be back one day. When I want to find some photos of Emma I have to look for other fansites but actually I think this site is the most reliable and respectful,which makes me want to stay longer. I’m sure this site will attract more visitors with the gallery back. I understand there might be some difficulties driving you to close the gallery. I just hope the problems will be fixed soon and thanks again for running this site 🙂

  17. Kristen says:

    The new look is awesome!! Great work with it Dooks and anyone else involved 🙂

  18. Tomas says:

    I love it. Very nice work

  19. Hermione01 says:

    Is it normal that there is no access to the gallery?
    Thank you
    Have a nice evening

  20. Vipul says:

    “BEAUTIFUL”… Great Work.. 🙂

  21. 130671 says:

    WOW! I thought something had gone wrong for a second… 🙂

  22. hi emmy, I got very glad for the new desing of your site web, is great, very like you…

  23. Brittain says:

    I love it!!

  24. John Smith says:

    Will the photo gallery ever be working again? 🙁 🙁 🙁

  25. Wiki says:

    The palette is absolutely amazing ! Great job !

  26. Aliska says:

    It’s very beautiful. It’s nice to see a change and Emma is gorgeous as ever.
    Good Job 😀

  27. Larissa says:

    Wonderful!!!! Beatiful!!!!!!

  28. Pitty says:

    It goods very good maybe better than last 🙂

  29. Pitty says:

    It looks very good…:)