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About Mark Demsteader (2011): "I grew up in Oxford and used to walk past a gallery on my way home from school that sold his work. I would stop and look at his pieces, and try and figure out how he did them for hours. I've always followed his work."

More from Madrid

Emma Watson, Darren Aronofsky and Jennifer Connelly discuss Noah in these interviews from the press junket in Madrid.


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And a new featurette

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5 Responses to “More from Madrid”

  1. annaleeskie says:

    Does anyone know when they will be in LA?

  2. Brittain says:

    I don’t know, I wish they had an Atlanta one.

  3. Sarah B. says:

    The LA premiere will be on March 21st, I think 🙂

  4. annaleeskie says:

    Sarah B do you know where? 🙂

  5. KS987 says:

    Thanks for the clips and interviews, as well as the cute picture of Emma. :). Some of the clips lag for me though.