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Emma on the Ellen Show

Emma was a guest today on The Ellen Show. Emma talks about her experience at the Oscars, her upcoming graduation from Brown, filming Noah, and her many journals that she keeps. Then Ellen and co-host Jason Bateman present her with a special gift. There are some scenes from the movie, so close your eyes for that part if you don’t want spoilers.

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24 Responses to “Emma on the Ellen Show”

  1. Lagerfeld says:

    Her bodylanguage says, she is not telling the truth about the after-party-thing….Maybe she was not invited at all??

    • dook says:

      Always with the negative comments, Jonny. And once again you are calling Emma a liar.

      • Lagerfeld says:

        Yes, I do. When she is telling the story, she is constantly looking down on the floor or she is looking down on the left side. Both clear indicators (if you know about bl), that she is not telling the truth. On the other hand, if you will tell me that she deliberatly slept during the most important night of the year for actors, instead of going to the most important after-show-party for networking and making friends, then I would say that Emma should fire her staff for a such exhausting schedule on that day, that she could not handle it. Something is wrong, and I guess she was simply not invited.

        • dook says:

          That’s a load of crap. Research has shown no correlation between eye movement and lying. It’s a myth perpetuated by TV cop shows. But don’t let facts get in the way, right?

          Did she deliberately sleep? That’s not what she said. She says she fell asleep because she was jet-lagged. Two days is not enough to adjust.

          • Lagerfeld says:

            What an idiot must be in charge of her shedule, that she arrived jet-lagged in LA? Besides that, I think she came from London. You get a jet-lag only when travelling from West to East, not the other way round. So, it is crap. Her story is crap.

          • dook says:

            Wrong again. Jet lag is worse heading west to east, that is true, but it happens both ways. London to LA takes typically 4 or 5 days to fully recover for most people.

        • Yoni says:

          Oh come on!! Seriously you never learned about bodylanguage yourself! On one part you may be right. People tend to look the other way when they are lying. However, what do you do when you are nervous? Body Language can be deceiving. You may think Emma is lying here, while I think she was just nervous for being on this show. Every big interview she gives she acts the way she did in this one. Touching her hair, shifting in her seat, etc… I would be nervous as hell if I where in her shoes.
          And I don’t know about you, but when I tell a story I’m not looking in the other persons eyes either…

          Btw might I ask what you are doing on this FAN site if you aren’t even a fan. Because if you are only here to be negative, why don’t you do it somewhere else?

          • Lagerfeld says:

            @dook: then it is much more worse, if you really get a jet-lag when travelling vom London to LA (I was there four times and never had one, but ok). She is using the plane to LA like we use a bus to go downtown, so she should know that she need some days to get used to it…. On the other hand, she arrived three days befor the Oscars at LA. This story is so unbelievable……

          • dook says:

            I thought you tracked Emma’s every move. The first result in google would tell you Emma arrived in LAX late Friday, and less than 48 hours later she was at the Oscars. You are the one always telling lies and half-truths in your constant need to criticize every aspect of Emma’s life.

            Criticism and negative comments are allowed here as long as they are not just for the purpose of “bashing”, “trashing”, “trolling” etc. The trolling threshold is different here than on the forums, and any comments I see as trolling will be deleted.

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe that all nominees, winners and presenters are automatically invited. Emma was a presenter 😉

      • Anonymous says:

        At the Vanity Fair party, of course, the one they are talking about. Don’t know for the others.

    • Connie says:

      You watch the video and what you come away with is “she is not telling the truth”?! You’re certainly no expert on body language or jet lag, but for sure you are a TROLL.

      • Lagerfeld says:

        No, she is not telling the truth. This has nothing to do with the fact that she is pretty, funny, a little bit nervouse as always (makes her charming, after all) and so on…. What I hate are the half-true or simple untrue stories her PR-Nitwits (and she herself) are throwing on us and that so many people buying obvious lies. All the stuff about her education, the pole-dance, a jet-lag at the most important day of the year for an actor, the story about the fence and the pool, the ridiculous story about the water-bottles on set of Noah, the charade about the end of her relationship with Will (the “I am not in drugs”-stunt with Matt an the Caribbian)……. I could make a list. I think she is such a great person with so much potential and nice personality that I will never understand why she thinks that she need to tell us so much bs……

        • Kitty says:

          Oh you’ve already ruined the forum and now you want to ruin the main site as well? You’re truly annoying!

          Btw,I like the gift that Ellen gave Emma 🙂

  2. Berlin says:

    One hat more in Emmas gift-collection 😉

  3. Justme says:

    Wauw! Why do you all care so much? I mean we all watched the interview because we all love Emma… And i agree on the fact that she seems nervous… And indeed! I would be too if I were in her shoes…
    And maybe she was tired, because of her jetlag… And she doesn’t need to tell the truth right? Who cares! 🙂 she looked beautiful 🙂 love her hair!!

  4. rust says:

    Lagerfeld??? really??puahahahahahahah

  5. Bradley says:

    UGH! Ellen does NOT need a co-host!!! I have no grudge with Jason Bateman. I presume he has his niche, but Ellen is a gifted comic interviewer, when left to her own devices. And the last time she interviewed Emma, the two had fantastic comedic chemistry, as Ellen does with nearly everyone, somehow. This would have been much better with her and Emma alone.

  6. wallflower says:

    I never thought that I have so many things in common with Emma. She’s so sympathetic and natural! You don’t often see an actress who stay on the ground like Emma 😀

    @Lagerfeld: Your discussion is so unneeded! Please left the site when you don’t like Emma and call her a liar!!!>:/

  7. Anonymous says:

    I think she looked down and away because she is prob a bit embarrassed that she didn’t make it to the party. She also probably wanted to avoid any discussion about the ‘he’ (aka her boyfriend) who lent her the coat she fell asleep in. Ellen is known for getting her guests to talk about their significant others and you can even hear Bateman say something about the ‘he’ who lent her his coat. Thats why she quickly said that she was jet lagged. That’s what I got out of that situation anyways.

  8. Jaana says:

    Oh for heaven’s sake! If she says she was jet-lagged I believe her! I have no reason to doubt her story and in any case, what she chooses to share with the world is for her to decide and for her alone. She is human, just like the rest of us. She is entitled to privacy.
    Gosh, I just hate it when people call her a liar based on her interviews! She’s nervous! How well would any of us fare in a similar situation? Being interviewed in front of a live audience with a talkshow host who is likely to throw anything your way is bound to make anyone nervous. Seriously people.

  9. Kristen says:

    Unreal with what people say here at times. Anyway sweet interview and fun to see that gift!!!! 🙂 Love Jason Bateman…as always Emma lovely 🙂

  10. ondowuzz says:

    um, from what i heard, from “fictional TV cop show” basically, lol… someone is considered (considered, keep in mind) lying when glancing at right side, not left. Emma was glancing at left. Left side is for recalling memory, while right side is for making up imaginations.

    then again, body language can deceive you. “maybe” emma was really covering things up, it could be that she was having a bad day and not really in the mood to attend the party, but who are we to judge? it’s all just speculations, really 😀

  11. KS987 says:

    Great interview. 😀 Emma having 30 journals doesn’t surprise me. :p If anything I’m surprised she doesn’t have more as she seems to enjoy writing and has plenty to write about. Won’t be long now before she graduates. 🙂