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About auditioning for HP (2007): "It was the first audition I went on. I had no idea of the scale of the film - the fame - or I would have been completely overwhelmed."

Emma Co-hosting Special HeForShe Event for UN Women

British Actor and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson will co-host a special event for UN Women’s HeForShe campaign on 20 September 2014, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. The event aims to kick-start one of the largest solidarity movements of the 21st century for the achievement of gender equality calling upon one half of humanity in support of the other half for the benefit of all.

Over the next 12 months the HeForShe campaign intends to mobilize one billion men and boys as advocates and agents of change in ending the persisting inequalities faced by women and girls globally. The premise is that inequality is a human rights issue, the resolution of which will benefit everyone – socially, politically and economically.

The special event will bring together gender experts, government officials, senior United Nations officials, civil society organizations and HeForShe celebrity champions and role models to discuss the central role of men and boys in the achievement of gender equality, and to raise awareness that the support of women’s rights is a moral, social and economic imperative for humanity.

What: Special Event for UN Women’s HeForShe campaign.
Attendance by invitation only.

When: Saturday, 20 September 2014 from 5 – 7 p.m.

Where: United Nations Trusteeship Council, New York

Note to media:

The event is open to UN accredited media only, but space is limited. RSVP at:

The event will be webcast live at: and photos will be available for downloading:



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9 Responses to “Emma Co-hosting Special HeForShe Event for UN Women”

  1. Franccesca says:


  2. ariel torres says:

    hello emma’m your number one fan I’ve seen all your movies and i love your gateways, such as salts on the red carpet. you’re super lovely and I want you to know that in Colombia where many people know how great you are there live there …
    I have a website check it facebook and look at her one of your like or a message from you ara my life a source of tears of happiness (I’m a guy) I’m 17 and I hope one day I can see you face to super great’re face I love you emma you are my inspiration

    PS: I wish you well in the event of September 20.God bless you!

  3. xPT says:

    Yes Franccesca, she is in Chile!! I want to see her…

  4. me says:

    This sort of thing worries me greatly to be honest. I’m sure Emma has the best intentions but… HeForShe? How about SheForHe for a change? What about the endless inequalities facing men in the 21st century West? Why is gender equality still only about women despite the masses of evidence to the contrary as to the way men are denigrated in our modern culture? Yes, gender equality is a human right. Both ways. But only one ever seems to get any attention because even mentioning the other one is still politically incorrect in a West that is more pro-female and anti-male than ever.

    • anti-me says:

      Me, what alternate universe are you living in? From the time humans have lived in caves to the present, male dominated cultures have been the norm and majority the world over. Please educate yourself before making uninformed, and ignorant comments.

      • thedude says:

        I think it’s you that needs educating, love. The modern West is as female dominated as it gets. Men are crushed underfoot at every turn. Your comments are an example of the entitled ignorance displayed by all man-haters happily living in a bizarro universe of “female oppression” despite women getting EVERYTHING handed to them on a plate these days while men get nothing (other than criminalized for being men, of course). Pity, I didn’t think Emma was one of those dumbasses/ Might have known though – they’re all the same these days. Brainwashed by feminist lies. So much for her being “intelligent”.

  5. KS987 says:

    Emma is apparently in Uruguay and is scheduled to appear at Uruguay Parliament today, so that’s another event she’ll be attending this week. I hope we’ll get pics or videos from both events. 🙂

  6. I’m 68 years old and you should be proud of yourself…

  7. I think the world needs more young women as clear and confident.You should be a powerful spokesperson for everybody.