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About not knowing what the movies look like before the premieres (2007): "People always expect me to know what the finished product will be like, but I don't have a clue because it is all shot out of sequence. Before I see every film my nerves are just terrible. I remember after the first ten minutes of the first film my dad turning to me and saying, "Emma darling, I really think you should breathe now."

November 2014 Calendar


Congratulations to Jia, our winner for the November Calendar Competition!



Honorable mentions to Yasmine, Macka and Monika. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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7 Responses to “November 2014 Calendar”

  1. Jia says:

    Thanks to all who voted 🙂
    and congrats to the HMs!

  2. Yasmine says:

    Thanks a lot for who vote my calendar <3 I love you so much!!

  3. Macka says:

    Thanx everybody 🙂 ♥ who voted for me 🙂 and congratulation other winners 🙂

  4. Thessalie says:

    Love yours Monika !

  5. Monika says:

    Thanks you, Thessalie

  6. Haresh says:

    Hi, Em I Love You.