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About the WB (2007): "Warner Bros have been so supportive of me continuing with school and have been really innovative about how to make it work 'cause obviously it's a bit of a task. Just really clever things like there's a box in my school that is picked up every Friday, teachers put work in it, they send me any marked work, it comes back and forth. They gave me Monday mornings off to go to school to see my teachers, to pick up my school work."

November 2014 Calendar


Congratulations to Jia, our winner for the November Calendar Competition!



Honorable mentions to Yasmine, Macka and Monika. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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7 Responses to “November 2014 Calendar”

  1. Jia says:

    Thanks to all who voted 🙂
    and congrats to the HMs!

  2. Yasmine says:

    Thanks a lot for who vote my calendar <3 I love you so much!!

  3. Macka says:

    Thanx everybody 🙂 ♥ who voted for me 🙂 and congratulation other winners 🙂

  4. Thessalie says:

    Love yours Monika !

  5. Monika says:

    Thanks you, Thessalie

  6. Haresh says:

    Hi, Em I Love You.