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About working on her People Tree collection (2010): "It was a really long process putting all this together. I had no idea all the work involved. You really have to start at the basics. Safia and I had an initial meeting and we went through and chose the fabrics we wanted to use. Then choosing the styles took a long time. Again a lot of inspiration came from my wardrobe and friends' wardrobes and I added my own style to it. Then going through the pantone books and choosing colours, but this don't necessarily look the same once you've dyed something. You learn these things as you go along. It's massively time consuming. We did a first set of samples and some looked good and some needed altering a lot."

Emma Hosts Q&A Session on Gender Equality and HeForShe

UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson answered audience questions about HeForShe and gender equality in an hour long conversation with BBC1 Radio’s Greg James on Sunday March 8. The event honoring International Women’s Day streamed live on facebook from London.

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4 Responses to “Emma Hosts Q&A Session on Gender Equality and HeForShe”

  1. GL4DIATOR says:

    Honest, smart, cute, modest and also very beautiful as always. Beautiful morning Miss Watson and also beautiful morning to all her fans.

  2. Hi, EM. I’m one of your fans since 2001. You are so sweet and lovely. “HeForShe” is a very good idea. But I think you should wait for someone. For example, your freinds and family members etc. Just like what you think, you make a talking between women and men. Do your best! Your freind, Robinson Qiu from China.

  3. KS987 says:

    Awesome Q&A. :D. When I tried to view this on Facebook live the day it took place it wouldn’t play for me. Thankfully it was obviously recorded and posted here and Youtube, but I hope for the next Q&A there aren’t any issues.

    Glad to hear Emma has gotten so much support from her classmates and coworkers. The story of the girl who wanted to be an engineer still amazes me. I hope she takes up those offers and actually becomes one.

    Sadly there are a lot of bigoted people in this world who are out of touch with reality. While I’m sure many of the people who made stupid comments are just
    people who say it for humor and just because they think they can get away with it, there are many others who legitimately believe they nonsense that they
    spew and a lot of it as Emma said is implanted in people’s minds from a young
    age. Even the forums have had a few trolls since Emma got involved in HeForShe. At the same time their comments have the positive effect of exposing their true colors to the world, which only shows everyone why HeForShe is needed and only make Emma even more determined. 😀 Already at her young age she’s had much more of an impact on the world and has done more for people than any of them ever have or will.

    Keep up the good fight Emma.