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Emma on Colonia, Beauty and Queen of the Tearling

In the latest issue of TotalFilm, Emma Watson talks about her upcoming films Colonia, Regression, Beauty and the Beast and Queen of the Tearling, as well as HeForShe, gender equality, her path and life and future direction. The May issue of TotalFilm is on sale now.


On Colonia:

“I got sent the script and my agent sent me the Wikipedia page on Colonia Dignidad. I immediately went, ‘Oh my God, I’m not sure!’ It was really, really, really heavy and really awful subject matter, but the script was such a page-turner and so well written and I’m really a big fan of Daniel Brühl. I really liked the director [Florian Gallenberger]. It all just kind of felt right: a really intelligent female leading role character. It felt like the right thing to do. It really challenged me. It really pushed me to the brink, this role. I was essentially playing a girl living in a concentration camp. It’s tough emotionally, putting yourself in that place every day. So it was gruelling. But I really wanted to try. I really hope I’ve done it justice for people who actually really lived it and really experienced it.”


Beauty and the Beast

“I sing, so that’s really unexpected. I’ve never had to do that for a film role before, and I think people will be interested to see me do something very different like that. It gives me a different challenge, really. That’s terrifying in and of itself!”


and Queen of the Tearling

“I really like it. For me, to want to sign up to a series again, I wanted to have a certain amount of autonomy and control within that. Working with David’s been great. I’d love to direct something one day. I’d love to produce as well, so it’s quite a nice way to start learning about that. Yeah, just dipping my toes into that world.”


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3 Responses to “Emma on Colonia, Beauty and Queen of the Tearling”

  1. Ian says:

    Nice interview, but when do Beauty and Queen actually start filming?

  2. Sweet_Rose says:

    I really want to listen to Emma’s singing! <3

  3. Sweet_Rose says:

    And good luck with new things, Emma, you’re talented for all this. 🙂