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About auditioning (2007): "Mum and Dad kept trying to make me realise there was only a very small chance because thousands of other children had been seen. I was not at a performing-arts school - just a small school in Oxford. But I badly wanted it."

June 2015 Calendar


Congratulations to Akshay, our winner for the June Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Monica, Jia and Adarsh. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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5 Responses to “June 2015 Calendar”

  1. Jia says:

    congratulations to the winner and HMs.
    Thanks to all who voted for my calendar 🙂

  2. Thessalie says:

    So lovely !
    I love those, don’t know why I forgot to vote this month…

    Congratulations to the winner and honorable mentions !

  3. Sweet_Rose says:

    Congrats to winner:)

  4. Kanji K says:

    Congratulations to winner

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hai Emma I am a big fan of you and I love you very very much. You are a super actress . your acting on harry potter is very nice. I love it.I love you Emma Watson. By your big fan Navami