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About Hermione in OotP (2007): "Hermione's starting to battle with herself this time. She's not sure whether she should question people and break rules and go against authority and I think a lot of teenagers can relate to that. We're at an age where you're not really sure whether you're still a kid or not, or whether you're actually old enough to do what you want and make your own decisions."

Emma Covers September Vogue


Emma Watson is the cover feature for the September issue of Vogue UK. Photographed by Josh Olins in a dress by Stella McCartney, the issue hits newsstands August 6.

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7 Responses to “Emma Covers September Vogue”

  1. Sweet_Rose says:

    Yay:) So cute.

  2. Kristen says:

    I love that she is looking so natural…I am bringing this issue to school- show my girls photoshop doesn’t need to happen and you don’t need to wear a ton of make up or have hair be perfect to be beautiful. I applaud this magazine for doing this. Emma looks gorgeous!!

  3. Clara says:

    Love her body of work and love her UN campaign. A lot of respect for her.

  4. ian says:


  5. daniel says:

    I love you

  6. Deborah says:

    I love Emma, but this is not worthy for September. Elle made a much better cover.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Very natural, contemporary look