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About acting (2009):"I had been doubting if I wanted to act for the rest of my life. The reason is because I was only nine when I started. They went to my school, and they picked me. I auditioned and I got the role. I never went to acting school, I didn't know I wanted to be an actress. It's amazing, but just because it happened doesn't mean that it's the right fit for me. It took me awhile to decide what to do. And now I think it is. I come from a family of lawyers and academics, we didn't watch movies in my house. I didn't know who Gary Oldman or Maggie Smith were. So I educated myself watching thousands of movies. Now I'm passionate about it."

New Clips and On Set Interview from Regression

New clips from Regression and on set interviews are included in a new video released by Europa Press. Emma Watson, Ethan Hawke and director Alejandro Amenábar talk about the film (Amenábar speaks in Spanish) in some sound bytes from the set. Some new clips from the film are also shown with the actors dubbed in Spanish.



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5 Responses to “New Clips and On Set Interview from Regression”

  1. susang says:

    15 days to go cant wait.

  2. Ian says:

    Nice, even if I couldn’t understand half of it lol! This actually does look really good. I can’t believe Spain gets it next month and we have to wait… how long?!… for it, though. I mean WTH?

  3. sparkvark111 says:

    Regression | official FIRST LOOK clip (2015) Emma Watson Ethan Hawke Alejandro Amenábar 😀

  4. Kristen says:

    I have to wait apparently til December 31!!!!! No spoilers!!! 😉