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About shooting the Half-Blood Prince (2009): "The most challenging aspect of this film was the fact that I was trying to take my A-levels at the same time I was filming. So my life was crazy. One minute I was on set, and the next minute I was doing an exam, or reading a textbook, or doing something, so I was a bit all over the place. Sometimes it's kind of hard to juggle both aspects of my life."

Emma on Regression and Beauty and the Beast

More interviews from the Regression press junket last month are out. In the first Emma Watson talks about Regression and in the second she talks about singing and more for Beauty and the Beast.



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3 Responses to “Emma on Regression and Beauty and the Beast”

  1. Ian says:

    Nice stuff. 🙂

    Still don’t understand the weird release strategy with this…

  2. Alejandro Gutierrez says:

    Congratulations, excellent work, I am your admirer.-

  3. taiana says:

    did this come out? was there really a topless scene?