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About Viktor Krum (2005): "The Bulgarian Bon-Bon, yeah... (the interviewer laughs) That's in the movie, that's a quote!"

October 2015 Calendar


Congratulations to César, our winner for the October Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Jia and Monica. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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4 Responses to “October 2015 Calendar”

  1. D-one says:

    I knew that calendar would win! 🙂
    Congrats! I like it!

  2. Признание says:

    Эмма я Люблю тебя!

  3. Признание says:

    Эмма, Я Люблю тебя. Когда я думаю о тебе, мое сердце вырывается из груди…

  4. Thessalie says:

    Those are beautiful!!!!