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About Hermione in OotP (2007): "Hermione's starting to battle with herself this time. She's not sure whether she should question people and break rules and go against authority and I think a lot of teenagers can relate to that. We're at an age where you're not really sure whether you're still a kid or not, or whether you're actually old enough to do what you want and make your own decisions."

November 2015 Calendar


Congratulations to Hélène, our winner for the November Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Harsh and Monika. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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2 Responses to “November 2015 Calendar”

  1. Thessalie says:

    Lovely calendars 😀

  2. Harsh says:

    Thanks to Team