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About the three cats that play Crookshanks (2004): "They're all trained to do different things. Like one of them can climb up the curtains. Another one if, like if you put a mark down, it will go to it. Another cat is just a really good one for holding, he doesn't mind being stroked and cuddled. They've all got different things they can do."

Emma Introduces New HeForShe Website

In the following video Emma Watson introduces the new website as the “first crowd-sourcing tool for solutions to gender equality”. She also talks about Our Shared Shelf, her new book club on Goodreads.



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6 Responses to “Emma Introduces New HeForShe Website”

  1. MATT says:

    Wow, I don’t know whether it’s the makeup, the lighting or both, but she looks bloody awful there.

  2. Taja says:

    Perhaps one of the changes that HeForShe will help enact is creating a world in which women’s accomplishments and ideas are no longer disparaged by comments on their appearance.

  3. Emanuel Girma says:

    I am fully in

  4. Fernando says:

    Nice,she’s still a babe.! Doesn’t matter,it’s Emma still,all she has to do is smile and I’m there.! I’ve been watching her for awhile from a distance,still like what she’s been doing.!